
So basically you need the new Fiat Toro!!

Well you should move to Brazil!! There is a lot of ethanol over there..

But do it fast before the collapsing price of the oil make this industry also go down

I thought they had jumped the shark on this one, then I watched the episode...

Best day at the work EVER!!

Well Ford got good results only after getting caught with the pants down last year...

With a kit like these I might even be able to drive around my town!

Although it still might need beffier suspension components...

From what I understood it is different because it was taken by an instrument that was never taken to the space before (the microcalorimeter)

In portuguese the plain old cruise control is called autopilot, and appart from very few cases there is no one who thinks that the car will drive itself...

Maybe the americans can not understand the difference between marketing names and reality

This was taken from a post from Joshua Brown (the victim) on YouTube from 2 months ago:

There is no indication that the accident would not have happened in a fully autonomous car.

Currently it is better than average, and by every accident it will improve exponentially.

So you are saying that there should be no Automatic transmissions because it greatly reduces the amount of input from the driver and effort needed to drive,,,

By driving allongside other cars you accept the risk that one of them might fail to opperate its vehicle correctly and couse an accident.

You are right a true autonomous car will take still many years of development, that is why the Tesla system is NOT an autonomous car..

It requires driver supervision at all times. At this case the driver failed to do so and unfortunately died.

I guess that it is still better then a world where people are paying no attention and there is no sensors and computer to keep everyone alive

Have you ever read the kind of disclaimer some products have??

You would be amazed by the kind of shit they suppose it might happen

Skynet gives... skynet takes..

Which you can try to avoid by menaging you rate of desceleration..

It is called defensive driving...

It was just a matter of time...

Actually the standard car beat the Rover time.

It is both funny and sad to hear you talking about corolla as it was the cheepest and lowest form of car that someone could drive while in my country they are very expesive and only affordable new if you sit ery high on the food chain..