
Or earthquakes happen all the time, especially around the “Ring of Fire” and we’re specifically noticing these because of their notable locations.

Why on earth wasn’t it lit up BEFORE someone hit it?

WHAT THE HELL is up with the last second studio lighting?

This would the perfect car to tow behind the RV and it would be charged up when you arrived :)

Making functional elements look attractive is fine. Adding fake functional elements is bad design.

A car enthusiast like yourself may see no problem with this.

Douchebro in a brodozer being a douchebag? Way to justify stereotypes, big guy.

While being buried up to almost the roofline like that means it probably was going to get written off by insurance anyway, the fuck gives some asshole in a douchebro truck the right to feel like it’s ok to drive over the top of it? And that lamesauce excuse of “Well... we weren’t the first or the last to do it...”

Craigslist will do this to you. Between the...

“I like the car, will you take payments?”
“Will you take 50% of what you are asking?”
“Will you trade for a not running moped?”
“I not from there, I out of town. Will give car to shipper? I’ll send check for more than asking.”
“I send money to Escrow, you give car to me.”


Not your car, not your call. The fact that thousands of people do a thing does not make it appropriate. Take your own car to the drive through, Tak.

This is what qualifies for “bland” these days? Sigh...


The two stayed that way for two to three hours

That’s NOT a driverless, autonomous car... it’s the standard, Chinese Chevy Cruze:

It is people poking fun at silly movies. Jokes people, jokes. All this is make believe, stop taking it so seriously.

Plot twist: about to get lapped by lead traffic

I love how corporate fraud only counts if the corporation is foreign.

If this was an American company involved that would’ve likely been the case here too.

Dougie is more adorable than insufferable.

Death trap? They are INSANELY safe, not even for its size. They are safe period.