
They are called DAYTIME running lights for a reason, to be only used in the day, if its night you must turn your lights on, even in old cars you should be used to turn on a switch when its getting dark outside.

Here is the press release, no download link though :(

Only in some markets and up untill the previous gen.

I think it’s a Ka:


IKR! I said the same thing when it launched

It’s so it can have the glass roof from the sunroof all the way to the trunk, Musk said that gave it best headroom in class. Still I would much rather get less head room but a more practical cargo area, also replacement costs for that massive glass panel must be expensive, but they did it with the Model X in the

It’s the same one that was in the unveiling, it just has the Model S wheels.

At least in Nissan the chime when you leave the car in gear and step out is really annoying and loud, so it grabs your attention to look at whats wrong with the car.

I’m pretty sure in our Nissan you can either hold it for more than 5 seconds or press it multiple times in a span of 5 seconds to shut the car off in case of emergency. Not as intiutive as turning a key but it works.

It’s VW do Brazil’s fault, I’m guessing they wanted something to be confused with Golf, and Gol fits as it translates to Goal and soccer football is really big over there.

Oh i’ve never thought of the Celta I only remember the newer ones with the bigger headlights.

All of them are Gol’s from different years:

Are you talking about the Gol’s front end?

Well at least these cars are cheap and made cheaply, the Youabian is expensive and made with a big budget, so that makes it worse.

Now playing

Very clever engineering, they designed the B pillar built in the front and rear doors.

The B-Max is cooler though.

Now playing

Yeah but that Peugeot also had electric doors which took a while to open and made the car much heavier, in fact it appeared in Top Gear and they hated it.

And the Nissan NX Van doesn’t exist, it’s either the NV1500 or NV2500/3500 HD.