
Somebody’s marketing director checked the ratings demographics and changed course really damn quick.

The thing is. Her dad isn’t a rapist.....TO HER because he’s probably been a great dad. But guess what? A person can be two things at one time. He can rape a woman and go home to his family and act like a totally normal guy. It’s obvious that he did this over and over and over again. This is what a psychopath is - the

Ivanka and Evin need to go on a “My Dad Loves the Ladies. Consensually, Of Course” Tour. Because this my poor, misunderstood father bit is even more nauseating in stereo.

Gutentag, Evin- do you have availability next week to sit in on a globally broadcasted women’s forum? We just had an opening for our panel!”

Now playing

And for those who are wondering but are too lazy to look it up, the city is pronounced this way;

At the Seattle March. Yes, the “resist” side has functioning string lights. I’m a nerd.

To remind the GOP that a lot of voters support science-based policies, government funding science, and schools teaching science/children studying science.

I had to work this weekend, so I couldn’t go but I am “marching” here in the lab.

This was my contribution!

No I’ll be clearer: you’re misunderstanding based on a preconceived notion of an argument you want to win. Have fun philosophising.

From all accounts, she sounds like a severely troubled teen that needs some major counseling. Hopefully she will take the offered help and get herself well. The teacher definitely took advantage of her and her situation and should go to prison.

LBJ and FDR are fascinating to contemplate. LBJ was, by all accounts, an absolute asshole. He was mean, he was rude, he was a real fucking prick. He got bogged down in the quagmire of Vietnam, but look at what he tried to accomplish with the Great Society and what he DID accomplish with the Civil Rights Act. FDR was,

Now playing

This makes me miss the hilarious and history-filled Ask A Slave web series. Highly recommend to anyone interested in this period of history!

It always amazes me when people get blackmailed and think “well, this is fine. As long as I do what they’re asking right now, they’ll never ask for more, no one else will ever find out and I won’t start getting dismembered animal parts in the mail. Everything’s awesome!”

I am much too old for 1D and I do not get at all why he’s attractive. I do not get it.

I read it as a young woman and have been haunted by it ever since. I don’t know if I could bear to re-read it, at least not until we’ve successfully survived Cheetohlini’s attempted wholesale destruction of our country.

Oh sorry for the late reply, just saw this! So happy to share: @the_corsetedbeauty @katestrasdin @susan_holloway_scott_author @walking_through_history @virtuouscourtesan (the latter 2 recreate historical garments—amazing). Those are a few of my faves, but there are many many more great ones and I’m sure you will find

Exception to the rule: Oprah on a zip line. Cause that shit was funny.