It’s not just the photo, though — it’s the kiss against her will, FOLLOWED by the photo which may have been petty revenge for thwarting his advances.
It’s not just the photo, though — it’s the kiss against her will, FOLLOWED by the photo which may have been petty revenge for thwarting his advances.
I went to a party school 1981-85. The concept of taking advantage of an unconscious person is not some recent discovery, and it certainly was not considered normal or acceptable in the early 80s.
The analysis I heard this morning said this stuff is routinely passed through the attorney’s hands to make it privileged communication. Which leaves Boies et al in the position of simultaneously claiming they had nothing to do with choosing these “contractors” and vetting their strategies while billing for them.
Somehow I doubt your friend who is so uber-conscious of crossing lines with women that he refuses to be alone with them unless his wife is chaperoning was taken to HR solely for offering a woman a chair in a meeting. Sounds like there’s a lot of backstory there that doesn’t end with “and out of the blue, I get in…
What do you want to bet that the fact that CAA dropped him so swiftly and openly is because they had received complaints from people their own staff about his behavior and swept them under the rug?
I love the “it was never my intention” phrase so many are using. “I just wanted to touch you/grab you/lewdly proposition you... it was never my intention that you be all offended by it.”
He was mean to the little boy who played his son, too — telling him before one of the crying scenes to imagine his dog dead, and pointing to all the people on set that the kid liked saying that all of this was temporary and when they were done they’d all go away and he’d never see them again.
He slapped her across the face on the second day of shooting. And the taunting was disgusting on every level.
Laura liking the ganja would actually explain quite a bit about her tenure as first lady.
Okay, possibly stupid question... setting aside his position that apparently isn’t viable in Canada, is it legal for an American to live in Canada and work in the US? It’s a long border and there are lots of metropolitan areas near it. Commuting is not an option? There are people in upper Maine whose own houses…
I have a vague recollection that Maureen Dowd dated (or wanted people to think she was dating) Matt Drudge. Did I dream that?
He’s the one Clooney got into a fistfight with when he attacked an extra after weeks of abusing the crew (and being warned by Clooney to knock it off). Sounds like an even more wretched human being than I thought.
I used to show dogs. You don’t even begin to make $ breeding dogs if you’re doing it right. Careful selection of breeding pairs based on genetic health and temperament going back many generations is the best predictor of what will be produced, and conscientious breeders are diligent about making sure that the homes…
Gene Kelly stuck his tongue in her mouth for their first kissing scene and she had no idea WTF the gross old guy was doing. Which says a lot for her acting skills because she looks smitten in the movie despite her actual feelings.
I’m going to hazard a guess that the fact that he was dropkicked so quickly is that they have a file drawer of complaints they’ve never acted on, and post-Weinstein, are bracing for the women in those complaints to add their voices.
Paul looks like somebody who’s being blackmailed to be there which is, of course, entirely possible.
And factor in a few hundred thousand dollars in student loans that need to be made up [most easily accomplished with fast tracking into lucrative (non-research, non-primary care, non-long residency) specialties].
I remember that. The coverage was ugly and really hurt her career, because what for anybody would have been a major career coup was kind of a Pia Zadora/Rula Lenska moment for her - “who is this chick and why she is being foisted on us before she’s done anything?”
Wow — had no idea!
Very cool. I wish there’d been more footage of how it looks to walk a longer distance than a few steps - you don’t really get a sense of flow from two steps here, two steps there. I also wonder about how pattens affected walking. I mean, I could barely make Dr. Scholls work, and some of those things would make ANYbody…