Don’t you know that military honors, like Judaism, are inherited from the mother’s side?
Don’t you know that military honors, like Judaism, are inherited from the mother’s side?
In fairness, that would make me sad as well. Soft serve > fro yo.
Considerably less than what happens if a doctor is standing over an open abdomen with a knife in his hand and he has a heart attack or a seizure.
Arpad wants the kid to stay put in NYC, so now a judge will decide ... possibly creating a real-life “Sophie’s Choice” for Uma.
I loathe Trump as much as the next Jezebel commenter, but I hate this sign stealing/burning stuff.
Possibly the mom can “get away with it’ saying it’s about HER story during her daughters end of life and the fight to get there? I dunno it’s bullshit and obviously Brittany knew her mom would do this. So sad.
It reminded me of when my dad retired. Mom announced she was walking over to the Sam’s Club and either coming back with a job or something to kill that man with.
Me too! It’s nice to see people not act like it’s the Rapture or anything, and try to inject some levity into the races.
Not to warn her specifically, but I imagine that she’s arguing that they had a legal duty not to cover it up, and that a company would know that eventually, its actions in covering up these acts might hurt more children or associates of Fogle. It’s a bit of a stretch, but she’s got an argument. We’ll see what…
“I hate to be that person”
I am the same way and I am an introvert - being an introvert doesn’t mean you CAN’T do it, it just means that it tires you and you’d prefer to NOT do it (even if you do have fun, which I frequently do).
I guess there are two varieties of Gaga/Madonna comparisons. One of them is based on the nature of their identities as performing acts—I think there’s some similarity there, but you could also argue that there’s some similarity between Gaga and Elton John or David Bowie or any number of other pop acts that had glam…
Yup. This is what happens when you overcharge and here, it’s even more reckless and mind-boggling than when they overcharged Casey Anthony.
Assault may not have held. But why the fuck not imprisonment. I’m a bit drunk but it seems at this point that someone wants to leave instead of continue the confrontation you should be obligated to show them the door.
well maybe the Crown should have charged him with assault and false imprisonment. It is directly on the video.
Yeah here’s one mom I have no problem judging based on a sole parenting decision.
He is not a monster, just a man that really screwed up and has been paying in many ways.”
This gif makes me feel ill. Yesterday I showed it to a friend who hadn’t seen it before and she actually yelled out in horror and disgust when she saw it. Here’s a palate cleanser!
...except it wasn’t a situation of “I only just signed some papers” although I’m sure that’s what she’d like people to believe.