
You don't see why keeping multiple DIFFERENT kinds of pills in a prescription bottle looks suspicious?!? If there was only a single type of pill in there, they probably would have been OK.

Sorry, skipped the article.

Hey, don't dog the health center at Cal Poly. Despite the school being completely useless in virtually every other conceivable way (and they still are according to some very bright students I know now that attend there), the health center diagnosed my food allergies for free that my paid for doctors never could.

And on tests in English (sorry, "Language Arts") about a novel, always start at the end and work backward. You can get a B without even reading the book.

I had a bunch of wires for wireless networks and TVs and I was questioned thoroughly and grope-searched by the TSA. They asked me what they were for and then got upset when my answer was, "networking and hooking my laptop up to a TV", like they were expecting something else?

How do you know that no legitimate users have to deal with it?

But I can drink 5 cups of iced tea (I wouldn't) at home for 20 cents...

Most of the travel routers (the ones explicitly created for that purpose) will reshare a WiFi connection under a different name. I just programmed the same name and password that I use at home into my travel router. Then, if I plug it in, it shares the ethernet over WiFi and if it finds WiFi when not plugged in, it

By comparison, New Zealand has almost always had better relationships (and more equality) with the Maori than most other nations. The haka is a sign of respect for the culture and is revered by Maori and white alike as being uniquely New Zealand.

For my daughters, Pampers leaked and Huggies were great. So you really do need to try each one.

Macros for Word/Excel are usually good places to start, because you probably have something at work that could stand some automation and the tools are right there and there are millions of websites that can tell you how to do just about anything. And BASIC is an easy language.

I wrote credit pulling software for 5 years and I'm the only one I know that understands what goes into FICO. It's an unbelievably complex proprietary algorithm. Not only is the credit bureau not going to tell you what's in their secret sauce, but most high school teachers could never understand it anyway. And

But it's fine if they lie to you somehow.

I used to work at a company where there was this one "Super-User". He knew just enough to screw everything up and the management at our software development contracting company were constantly badmouthing him to management at the company. (I didn't think he was that bad and often tried to work with him and train him

Maybe he should record them acting "un-Christianlike" and post it on YouTube.

I used to walk to school every day in elementary school back in the 70s (about 1 mile away). I walked with my brother in 1-2 grade and by myself in 3-6.

This will probably get lost here, but let me be one to say that traffic accidents kill people. And driving 35 MPH OVER the speed limit deserves jail time because it's serious.

Many people call me a nice guy but I'm not what people call "subservient".

I used to use Dolphin for a while, but I switched back to Chrome because of the LastPass support.

On several occasions I have told the manager that the automatic 18% or 20% was too high for the level of service received. Only once was I refused a partial refund. Guess which place I have never gone back to?