Lots of crashing on Firefox lately. I've gone back to Chrome for the time being.
Lots of crashing on Firefox lately. I've gone back to Chrome for the time being.
Well, then you should be looking at Wii U. Because after 2 years, there are finally some pretty good games for it.
My favorite is when people wanted 10 years experience with C# when the language was only 8 years old (9 if you counted the beta).
And you forgot AdFreeTime which is only $2 a month. It also gets rid of all ads and works in any router if you like.
I wonder how much Bitcoin they would recommend...
And go to www.ninite.com to install all your freeware in one go without restarting.
Or put your money in bitcoin. My savings rate last year was 1000%.
I don't move at all at night. So I don't think it will work for me. Besides, I typically wake up in the middle of the night wide awake and then it takes 1-3 hours to get back to sleep.
Yeah, I hung up after the first sentence...
I get enough information so that I can report them to DoNotCall.gov. Especially if they call every day.
Good. It's working...
My mom used to make it in the broiler. Completely disgusting. But then again, you Brits don't really have bacon anyway.
People get mad when I play Scrabble like that too. Oh, I'm sorry you didn't have the space to play your 7-letter word and beat me...
Yeah, and now that they sped up the firmware are releasing some good first party titles, it's actually a pretty good system.
Blowing bubbles for your dog in Nintendogs was pretty cool, actually. It felt very real.
But at first, they were saying "All games must use the tablet controller in some way."
AdFreeTime is similar but only $1.99 a month.
I used my last modem for over 5 years. Only now did I just order a new one, and only so I can upgrade to the new highest speed. I've been saving that $5.99 for over 10 years now and have only spent about $300 on 3 modems, saving about $418.
Mine worked OK until the network chip failed and then I experienced the exact same problems.
This is why I love e-books.