you must be a blast at parties.
you must be a blast at parties.
I shit in our tub once, because the toilet was clogged. It wasn't my favorite day.
There is nothing worth seeing here. I really like Ellie Goulding but she looks all-around messy. Jena Malone blew it with her styling choices and it's clearly making her uncomfortable. Jennifer Lawrence's dress is wearing her, not the other way around. The rest are nothing close to special.
the Brick!
Why do you not recommend using a yixing pot with white or green tea? I'm curious.
Who knows! Probably has less to do with money and more to do with Kim and Kris getting along better than Kim & Kourt, Kourt & Kris, etc. Kinda fucked for Kris to say that to everyone, though.
Thank you for sharing.
Ohh, I'm not upset! Just ever-curious about where the well of vitriol for this family is ultimately located (speaking metaphorically).
I think the Kardashian brand IS a cash cow, but I think that has less to do with Kris treating her children any certain way (the implication is that this way is negative or…
Nice, haha.
Are you asking me because you're not sure? Why is your mom not supposed to be your manger? Who has your best interests at heart more so than your mom? Of course they had/have a choice in the matter - it's silly to suggest otherwise. But they're obviously all very successful, why fuck with a good thing?
A few years ago they asked her ("Is Kim your favorite?") and she said yes.
Why is it sad?
That flag is also popular with Navy folks, FYI. Careful of confounders!
only geniuses would understand complement in this context. sorry, Slutty.
This is the most personality we've seen from Brittany since 2007 and I DIG IT.
A complement.
not weird at all! congrats on finding each other :]
we both know that's a miss for you.
wahoo! dig in ;]