
Thank you for adding some clarification. Megyn (sp?) Kelly can jump off a cliff and I’ll gladly give the school the benefit of the doubt, but to form a truly unbiased opinion I wish the article would’ve linked to the video in question.

Im an atheist but honestly I just want a good fucking product. My Trumpeteer MIL bought “My Pillows” for every bed in her house and won’t shop at Target because they were one of the first to require masks (??) It’s stupid. Unless someone is a belligerent asshole (which atheists are sorta known for btw) I don’t give a

LOL she thinks people who are scared of the vaccine drink city water?? Damn bitch, read your room. My RNA poop can’t get near your alkaline reiki water. 

Honestly I am a straight woman and if I ever meet Christina Hendricks I feel like I’d be unable to stop myself from asking about her breasts. Like, can I touch them? Can I see them? Would you not ask Usain Bolt about running fast? Those boobies deserve a gold medal for boobiness. I am also interested in her bra

I appreciate this as a reminder that many of our favorite pastimes and traditions in America have racist origins and it’s important for us to reflect on that and be thoughtful and intentional with the example we wish to lead this country to in the future,

Indeed. We could do with a little global population decline. Or a lot. It won’t decline forever folks, keep your panties on. Enough people still think babies are cute.

I know right? “the Catholic Church, which is a religion and not a cult...” Lol. 

That probably wasn’t about sexual stuff.  It was probably meant to prevent the nuns bonding with anyone or anything. They can’t love a baby, only god, etc. 

I was in the ER recently for what turned out to be a non-serious issue. Of course in the moment when it was happening I didn’t know it was non-serious, hence my visit to the ER. Anyway, after doing a quick ultrasound, confirming it was non-serious and advising me to follow up with my GP, I was discharged to await my

For a party that has become so anti-pedophilia they’ve made it weird (who knew that was possible?) they sure don’t seem to mind voting for actual, confirmed pedophiles and supporting accused ones. Go figure. 

I replied in more detail to the fellow above but it sounds like you need to hear it too. Pitt Bulls are responsible for a hugely disproportionate share of attacks and fatalities on other animals and humans compared to any other dog breed. Are they the only aggressive dog breed? No. Are they the most aggressive dog

No, I do not realize that because it is far from true. Pitt Bulls make up 6% of the total dog population in the US but are responsible for roughly 68% of dog attacks on humans and 52% of human deaths related to dog attacks. Again, that’s just for humans. In 2019 Pitt Bulls were responsible for 91% of fatal attacks on

It’s all fun and games until you have a thumb sucker on your hands. Well, their hands. But you get what I mean. 

Don’t let it stress you, you’ll be surprised how easily your toddler goes with the flow. Toddlers are sociopaths after all. You’ll cut their most beloved possession in half and they’ll shrug their shoulders and say, “No thanks, I don’t want it if it’s broken.” Joking aside, you’ll know when the time feels right.

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT feel pressured to take away the binky before your toddler is 18 months to 2 years. Mom of 3 here. If you take it away too early (at 6-9 months old as recommended by this article, wtf) your baby may very well move to their thumb or fingers and GOOD LUCK throwing those out the window.

I call shenanigans on the “successfully deprogrammed” bit. My parents had a family friend who was attacked by her own two Pitt bulls one sunny afternoon. She dropped a jar of pickles from her grocery bag as she was coming in the house and the noise startled them. They tore all the muscles from one of her forearms and

The only reason this song sounds good is because it VERY closely resembles other songs that sound better. 

Does nobody use tasers anymore?? Why do cops even carry them if they never use them and are so unfamiliar with them they confuse it for their actual gun?? *facepalm*

I care! You make really good points. We could all benefit from being more thoughtful about our relationship with food. Many people go along with the (unhealthy, disordered) flow without stopping to realize, hold on, this sucks.

I’m still baffled by this. Maybe it’s Demi’s sense of entitlement? Like, because she’s battled an eating disorder nobody is allowed to sell anything but full-fat iced creams? Some of us like a low-calorie treat even if we don’t have an explicit health reason to need one. Is there something wrong with that? I don’t