
I've always like the Z series of motors. I think the look nice, this will have the limited slip diff fitted to the M sport version only.

Get rid of those stupid exhausts and slim the rear a little. Then go back in time, prevent the douche from crashing it and then take at least 10k off the price. Then its a nice price! LED's are nice though

All this time I've been commenting, and I've only just watched that "This is Gizmodo" video.

This Zoz guy fails at computer security. Basic things like off site backups and proper locks - he only managed to get half of the requirements (regular backups etc)

I think if I had to spend the rest of my life confined to one building. This would be it! Paradise on Earth surely.

If you bought that you would quickly find it to be a money pit. Lancia's are completely unreliable

@Bluecold: Whatever floats your boat!

Stop the train!!

@Mikestan: Woolly Mammoths return.

Here is a trick.

Yeah, thats going to provide adequate cooling.


I've got my 3D specs on order for next week! Anyone else got theirs too?

@fuhteng: In terms of the polo and the taureg - these cars share platforms, not entire body panels and designs. A lot more companies do this, and they are entirely different cars. GM is different as they only change the badge. For example the vauxhall/holden astra.

@Hellkeeper: Yes, electrolysis of water - they need a new catalyst to lower the process temperature though

So they are going to use hydrogen to power the Scramjet. Well that's no good because the only current way to mass produce hydrogen is to strip the carbons from fossil fuels. A non-renewable resource which is becoming increasingly expensive. It's the same with hydrogen cars, people think they are going to save the

@WilliamTheFifth: I wish I had an RPG just to destroy their crappy corsa when they drive past.