Add to that, hospitals are built like bunkers, signals drop every corner. I often turn 3g off and rely on edge to last through the day. Since I installed iOS 5, it doesn't get through the day. Call forwarding FTW!
Add to that, hospitals are built like bunkers, signals drop every corner. I often turn 3g off and rely on edge to last through the day. Since I installed iOS 5, it doesn't get through the day. Call forwarding FTW!
I did not specify, it was on standby and light usage. I'm phyisician so I need my apps, but they run locally.
My theory is that the iCloud and wifi sync are battery hogs. My 3GS has become unbearable to use because it drains 10% per 90 minutes. I had to use an Infuse whenever I plan a full day out.
Complain at the lack of Camera in the iPad; Complain about the camera in the iPad 2. If I have to blame anyone for the use of iPad's camera is the constant barrage of insatisfaction with our male urine dispensing appendages.
Complain at the lack of Camera in the iPad; Complain about the camera in the iPad 2. If I have to blame anyone for the use of iPad's camera is the constant barrage of insatisfaction with our male urine dispensing appendages.
I call bullshit. Anyone willing to have sex with animals will have sex with anyone ( I sincerely hope) therefore increasing the potential for Human Papilloma Virus. The problem is not cross species effect, it might just be that they have sex with everything, including animals
Nothing Photo Booth hadn't already taught me.
Turn Off iCloud. Problem solved
Nope, they are the Grimm brothers inspiration.
Yes, well my 2 year old baby goes to the bathroom by herself, saving me thousands a year and minimizing my risk of heart disease (during her childhood minimum)
No amount of money is worth suffering that music.
They are referring to prophylactic removing breasts and ovaries due to high genetic load. The reconstruction is the same, but you will not have "hot borders" from the CA.
The risk is higher if one or more family members has developed cancer. That said, it is quite frequent someone who has seen a loved one die from cancer to have the operation.
90% of Breast Cancers are BRCA1 or BRCA 2 positive, not 90% will develop cancer. Very misinformative.
He died of overweight (of people)
Right click>Properties>Find Target>Firefox.exe
At least we know it won't run on a potato battery.
As a proud Iconia Tab owner I have to say, I have never loved a product so much. Now, if I last used it 3 months ago at a party, where would it be???
I don't blame him, Mike was just number two in the family
Before HD , there was iEverything, now 3D All