
You sir, exemplified my point. The sad reality about it is that is more common than it should.

The attorneys can ask for her recusal too. Then she wiill be mad as hell and start getting vindictive.

k%$f ym nordaP ¿¿¿ evila llits yug siht si hcnerF eht woH

I almost believed your point. Until you said "...go out with her"

The judge threw the case because the entire recording industry history of the world hasn't made that money. The just wanted to push limits. If you are sued for 75 trillion, a million starts to sound reasonable.

If that were true, USA would've been a communist nation since the early days of Napster. And the world too.

+ Internets and Love

If it is at my house, no problem I've got a bidet.

If you've read Consumer Reports at any time, they often give high remarks to products but they "score too low to recommend". Besides, is not like everyone was waiting for the CR buyers guide to go ahead and buy the iPhone.

Fixed that for you

I want lo love my tech gear. But they are all attached to something else.

I don't know what part was edited on iMovie or the iPad, because it looked like a continous shot. Maybe the fire didn't have enough contrast?? This is definitely propaganda

I f you check the original article, Limor states that is what she looks like now, but obviously it was photo shoot, so they had proper lighting and makeup artists. If people don't want girls to misrepresent themselves, I don't the fashion industry would even exist

Just to let anyone know, once you create an event you can't edit it or delete it. The first few events I put, just to mess around, stayed there forever. Until I delete it. You can update an event, but never get rid of it

You do know there is a Hulu app for the iPad, right? And it plays Hulu.

I was wondering why I had that Lasagna obsession?

That song made me hate Fridays as much as Mondays.

@Fanwashere: Right now, Im using it as a paper weight. I tried it as coaster, but you know how that goes.

@UnderLoK: The drugs he consumes come from the corner shop, which in no way contribute to criminal activities, right?