
@wut? 0_o: I think I got it now. The microcell uses Internet connection for data. This is provided by the MiFi from verizon. And he gets testicular cancer for free!!

@Juan Lizarzaburo: Priper, just like this one. I actually lived near Rincón, but now I'm in the metro area.

This will make my dog so happy. And put my toddler in so much risk. Thanks LH!!

@Juan Lizarzaburo: Well, look me up on Flickr. I haven't used it in a while, but I might give it second go... and I live in PR.

@aruetiise: I like when lies make me happy, so no harm.

@aruetiise: Well cheetah's are faster than a flash.

@bonestock94: ...and you lived to tell about, which is always nice!

@ps61318: You have point, this would make the erythrocyte much less desirable. Anyway we need that cell biologist ASAP.

@Steve Monroe: Yeah, wikipedia. Not that I'm an infectious diseases MD, Wikipedia did it.

@martinmatty: Malaria is particularly attracted to membrane proteins of the red blood cell. Sickle cell disease was developed by humans as protection to malaria. Maybe it has to do with that mechanism, but specifically, I can't say

@martinmatty: Heparin ( and warfarin) are commonly used on people after having heart attacks or strokes. Nowadays we use low molecular weight heparin, known on the market as Lovenox.

@Rob Shortley: My first word processor was actually WordPerfect. I had to switch because in college the computers only had office and the .wpd was a pain to print. Now that I'm grown person, (And have my own printer) I might try it again, if it exists of course

The Foleo's revenge. If I remember correctly, Palm was the first with the "netbook" form factor, when they canceled it and watched how netbooks took off. WebOS is such a nice OS that I'll definitely be an early 2nd gen adopter.

@zero111311: That is acer aspire Revo's keyboard. Very light and without numberpad

So that one time I received a check for $0.01, they had to invest on the print materials and then the value of the cent. I feel bad I threw it in the trash can.

@badhatharry: We don't know how expensive those bullets are over there. My guess is that they are cheaper than going to hospital.

@USB_Humping_Dog: Did not try that. I had to tap and hold on the top to access it, so bear that in mind if you do try it.