
...and now they have the publicity done by Giz. You see those curtains moving, that is a Good Ventialtion System.

@CustomFirmware: Porn? What is that. I've never seen such thing on the internets.

@EljhHck: Pretty sure it was hacked. I don't think he saw the big "change your passwords" memo

Vote: UpToDate

This feels like a trick question, but I resorted to externally 2TB for photos, videos and "stuff" and my computer I just use a 500GB for documents, programs, and games. Two years and so far so good.

To be an actual update it should automagically upload and tag the persons to F@cebook, etc. The man would approve.

I totally didn't expect Google maps as the money shot. But that tablet won't have trouble playing many.

@Josh_Geyer: Don't forget about Flickr. It has killed many a-careers.

Can someone please stop that alien beacon that has been running nonstop since the 50's? It's messing my finite-battery-laden cell phone's signal.

@kschang: Maybe its cheaper to borrow a girls nail polish. Depending, of course on how costly it is the polish.

Dropping Snooki is not weird. I would've dropped her from 1,000 feet and no ball.

@KamWrex: Don't worry the single most unsanitary part of the human body is the mouth, you have nothing to lose.

I returned my Epson printer. I don't feel bad because I use them so little that the printer heads always gets jammed. Not my first Epson btw

@Pacotron: Evolution of car seats peaked 1975. *sigh*

Netbook price, with bigger hard drive and slimmer. Thank goodness I believe in the 3 kings, because thing has a place right here.

@Red_Flag: You got it it wrong, I'm not speculating, I'm pointing that Cochese is speculating about the reasons I stated in my first post. Please read all and try again

@bandark: Now you only need to master the art of the knob. You are welcome.

@Cochese 2.0: spec·u·la·tion[spek-yuh-ley-shuhn = conjectural consideration of a matter.

@Cochese 2.0: And he May have been a rich 20 year old who got screwed by Madoff. You are speculating where I am offering solutions.