
Marcie was even more worthless on the rare occasions she played, but it's worth noting that Peppermint Patty was probably the best baseball player in town.

I suppose it's an early indicator of Anakin's piloting skills?

Why is "who" even a word if you're never allowed to say it!

Jaws IV only came out two years before BTTF 2.

Hamill and Prowse (I assume Prowse was in the suit for the fights as well) were directed to wield the lightsabers as if they had legitimate weight to them. That helps in making them feel more dangerous and real, and less otherworldly. Those swings should take effort.

Back to the Future is a better movie than Commando and The Gate.

I'm 29 and I devoured reruns of both shows as a kid, and was a huge fan of the Addams Family movies. I don't know how frequently they pop up in syndication now, but they were everywhere in the early 90s.

I liked Durance, but I felt the introduction of Lois really hurt Chloe, who I always saw as kind of a "Lois surrogate" and took any remaining tension away from the Lana romance.

Season Three of Smallville is as much fun as I've ever had watching any show. Season Four was so terrible I stopped watching and never looked back.

Oh man. I remember that site. I haven't thought about it in about 15 years.

My guess is a relative or friend uploaded it to Myspace or something, and Plantman stumbled upon it in an image search for something tangentially related, maybe Goosebumps.

That "Bad Luck Brian" picture was a put-on, too. The internet is really bad at finding ugly people.

Is that Cyanide and Happiness in the picture? Their comic goes for shock value in lieu of punchlines too often for my taste, but I've really enjoyed their animated output.

Shannon's great on the show. Maybe the best work she's done.

There's time. There's still time. There is so much time.

Not as thoroughly as the Looney Tunes, though.

We also didn't have Maggie dolls, of all things. Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Krusty, but no Maggie.

Sadly, no. We had Itchy and Scratchy plushies, but none of their friends.

Check the security tapes.

I worked in the Kwik-E-Mart gift shop for awhile. We did actually sell Bort plates.