
True story: I used to work as a copywriter for a company that produced streaming instructional content "for men." Stuff like dating, fitness and fashion how-tos. My bosses asked me to co-star in a series of videos about pick-up lines and meeting women because I struck them as the kind of guy who would need help with

Charles Schulz once said that there was comedy inherent in the supposedly weak dominating the supposedly strong. He was saying this to explain why the girls of "Peanuts" are frequently mean or even cruel to the boys and never the other way around. Obviously I doubt he would find female-on-male rape funny in the

Well, then, I'll leave you to it. Have fun!

What I remember most about the Sam episode was Sam calling out a huge continuity gap between "Cheers" and "Frasier." Namely, that Frasier never mentioned he had a brother, and had said that his dad was dead (and a research scientist). Also, Martin actually knows who Sam is as a sports fan, and was pretty upset Frasier

Tip for when you eventually do: Frasier doesn't show up until the third season, and he's more a recurring character (Diane's new boyfriend) than a regular for a while after that.

As a kid who watched Tim Burton's Batman and Beetlejuice religiously, it was a pretty big moment to realize they were both played by Michael Keaton.

Alcoholics, the unemployable, angry loners…

Everyone except Fallon. Hmm…

Well, now that Dave is retired, Conan is kind of the "elder statesman" of late night talk.

I thought the same thing, and I've actually seen Class of 1984. I need to seek this one out.

Anyone here play the Telltale BTTF game? I thought it was a lot of fun, and I'm perfectly fine considering it "Back to the Future Part IV." Some of the setpieces in that game would have been great in one of the movies.

Little-loved? I thought people liked "Clone Wars."

I was really into this show when it was new. A good chuck of my freshman year of college was dedicated to it, and I didn't even smoke pot.

Well, someone must be playing the Law-Abiding Citizen series. They made five of 'em, after all.

I imagine he would have made a lot more money to play Venkman in Ghostbuters 3 than he's getting for a small supporting role in this one.

I'd make arguments for "Neutopia," "Reincarnation" and "Meanwhile" as well.

In the old Disney shorts, Daisy only existed when the story required Donald to have a girlfriend or wife. She wasn't really a character back then so much as a girl duck who served a specific purpose.

The first one takes a while to get going, but for the most part I enjoyed all three of them. The Desolation of Smaug, in particular, was a lot of fun. They're not as good as the Lord of the Rings movies, and there's some CG bloat, but I mean, whatever. They're rock-solid adventure movies, and an opportunity to get to

I'm surprised it took this long, and that it wasn't that good.

So you want a realistic down-to-earth show that's completely off the wall and swarming with magic robots?