
Am I so beautiful that you've no words left?

There's a way to do it. Just make Link a man of few words. He's not implied to be an actual mute in the games. If someone asks you for your name, they go, "Link? That's a weird name!" or something, so Link said it. And when you're given a choice between "Yes" or "No" to accepting a quest, the implication is that Link

Yoshi. Plain and simple.

Reminds me of this exchange from "How I Met Your Mother."

Seems like they would run out of iconic high school-set shows after a dozen or so episodes. So the pilot is Buffy. And this was 2007, so they'd still have My So-Called Life, Freaks and Geeks, Beverly Hills 90210, Dawson's Creek, The Wonder Years, Room 222, Welcome Back Kotter… and I'm stuck. A little help?

I maintain that Popeye is one of the most misunderstood movies ever made. I love it. Williams and Duvall are perfection in that movie.

I always thought Karen Arnold, from "The Wonder Years," was really cool. The episode where she and Kevin reconnect before she almost runs off with her hippie friends really wrecks me.

I'll give credit to any kids' movie that has the balls to dedicate a chunk of screentime to one of its super marketable characters lying in a coma that was induced by extreme physical trauma.

Yeah! Me too! I mean, where does he get that idea? Just because he directed some films? What an asshole!

I played "Sonic Colors" the other day, and he used the word "epic." I mean, just because a character was created in the early 90s doesn't mean they have to stay there, but it was still a little weird.

I had a problem with the backlash, because I never thought TMNT fans were all that big on "lore." I mean, as long as they're big turtles who do karate, what's the difference between "they're mutants" and "they're aliens?"

Go back and watch old Turtles stuff with fresh eyes if you can. I maintain that the first movie holds up surprisingly well, but the sequels are fucking terrible. And the cartoon is pretty stupid too. Michael Bay isn't ruining anything from our childhoods. He's showing today's kids something they'll probably like

They were worth it for the background gag of Chloe from 24 trying to order a drink with subtitles.

I definitely enjoyed it more on the second watch. Even if the punchlines don't hit as consistently as they do in the original run, it's constructed like nothing else I've ever seen, and flawlessly. It's fascinating.

Hobbes: Your grandpa takes the funnies pretty seriously.
Calvin: Yeah, Mom's looking into a home.

It's kind of like the revelation that Carson occasionally submitted jokes to Letterman's monologue. This is wonderful. Pastis also has a story is one of his earlier treasuries about how he got to me CharlesSchulz and have him workshop some early Pearls strips before he.was.syndicated.

Does not knowing what party they belong really factor in all that much? I don't think we ever knew ANY of the 24 presidents' affiliations.

I enjoy watching speedruns, but I can't for the life of me put myself in the headspace to actually want to attempt one. It just seems to me that you have to stop enjoying the game to be that good at it.

This is a neat idea, actually. Any other stories that have been filmed a trillion times that could get this treatment? There might be a really interesting Peter Pan in there somewhere. 1923 silent version, Disney, Mary Martin, 2003 version, some others I forget.

You and Cindy Sanders were made for each other.