Princess Whoosh

No, it fucking doesn’t. And if you can’t tell the difference between the state muzzling you and burning your writings and putting you in prison or killing you to shut you up, no matter how fucking pig-ignorant you are, and a group of people voicing THEIR opinion that sounds like: “this work has no merit because it not

And Wakefraud is free to put his bollocks up on YouTube for anyone to see. It’s not a film festival’s duty nor responsibility to show it. Had Tribeca refused it from the start, none of us would be the wiser.

No, the “voices” that were “silenced” would belong the 10 infants who died from pertussis in California, my home state, in 2010, because they were too young to be vaccinated and herd immunity failed because people’s “personal beliefs” allowed the disease to slop onto the lives of others - oops, that’s “lives” as in

You’re kind of all over the place, but very wrong about resistance and vaccinations. You know bacteria and viruses are different, right? Bacteria are the ones that are growing increasingly resistant to antibiotics. We have some vaccines for bacterial infections, but they absolutely do not lead to the superresistant

You know it’s something you need to see when so much is done to stop you seeing it.

Why isn’t Wakefield in prison?

Great post. If I can add a corroboration, I was born before the MMR was available, and my mom caught rubella while she was pregnant with me. I am what happens when you avoid the MMR vaccine.

“Descend into autism.” Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. FUCK. YOU.

You are awesome.

Thank you for reposting. I’m a woman on the spectrum, diagnosed at 30 (average for asd women :/) so my experience is a little different but YES to that guy. Nailed it.

ALSO - from a person with a severe immunodeficiency - thanks to all who vaccinate. Along with keeping yourself safe, you keep me safe too.

Oh fuck off.

So you think that we Autistic women don’t exist?

Anti-vaxx movement stands against Autistic people by pushing harmful propaganda that promotes fear and prejudice towards Autistic people, the anti-vaxx movement has also seen a sea of money being used to disprove the myth of a connection between vaccines and autism -

I’m going to just repost what I said yesterday over on Gawker’s article. I’ve highlighted the part that any anti-vaxxer reading this should pay close attention to.

Three funny stories:

Go take your crazy anti-vax somewhere else. Actually, don’t. Because when you refuse to vaccinate your children you are putting the entire population at risk. Guess what, crazy anti-vax person, YOU are the reason measles and other deadly diseases are making a comeback. YOU are the reason people will die, because you

Yes, we're going to deny what you think you experienced because your single example doesn't negate thousands of actual medical studies that say you're wrong.

The answer to your questions are:

The guy that runs Fark, wrote a book called; It’s Not News, It’s Fark: How Mass Media Tries to Pass Off Crap as News. It includes a chapter titled, “Equal Time for Nutjobs,” about how the media likes to give the opposite side of a story, even when it’s proven to be untrue for “the conversation,” when really they’re