I can’t be the only one who can barely tell the difference in these (and other similar types of) comparison shots can I? I mean I'm sure the improvement is there, but I feel like I would have never noticed had I not been told of the update.
I can’t be the only one who can barely tell the difference in these (and other similar types of) comparison shots can I? I mean I'm sure the improvement is there, but I feel like I would have never noticed had I not been told of the update.
Americans have such a sense of superiority for a country with a bad education system, bad healthcare system, bad welfare system, that puts more of it’s population in prison than any where else, that refuses to sign the UN declaration of rights of the child because it would stop them executing people for crimes…
It just makes me think of the line from The IT Crowd: “When did the English start drinking like that? You people drink like you don’t want to live!” Accurate.
I love that all the Brits are here to comment and that comment is:
Remember when Valve said they knew they had a customer service issue and that they were going to address it? Then when it didn’t improve they admitted to dropping the ball and said they’d do better?
Surely this is a better way to track ticket sales. Inflation moves a lot faster than population growth.
To me, the last paragraph exemplifies why this is a good idea. It seems like they’re going out of their way to avoid saying “your immigrant ways are wrong” and instead are saying “there are the rules here. even if these rules don’t apply where you are from, they apply in Norway.”
Is it weird that I feel like this is okay? Like, it should be taught as part of language classes and middle school classes and to everyone everywhere.
21 Jumpstreet improved on the source material and was legit funny, though.
That’s one excuse I’ve heard peados use before “she didn’t look underage”.
The problem here is how quickly you are to throw around the word “censorship”. You can certainly make the argument that removing a breast size slider is an act of censorship and I don’t think you’d be totally incorrect, but the issue is that any reasonable person who doesn’t closely follow the topic is going to think…
Oh look! Penny Arcade! The worlds most famous web comic because It’s so uhh.. It’s.. Uhh.. What IS Penny Arcade? I don’t get it. And this comic is a prime example. It’s not thought provoking, It’s not interessting, It’s not funny. So I guess they were like “I like Rainbox six.” And the other guy was like “I don’t.”…
For one, people have GOT to stop replying to trolls who are in the grey. Don’t reply to them, and they’ll stay grey!
Art imitates Art.
I fail to see what Smooth Jazz Waluigis have to do with any of this.
My female friends in the military would take a bullet to save one of their fellow soldier/sailors. I have no doubt of this. These same women are whip-smart, super strong, and total badasses.
Cool. Me as a woman is telling you not to worry about that component though. :P I think that women joining the army probably have similar motivations as their male counterparts.