They didn't "lose" their kid. She did not die of cancer or get snatched up by a child molester. They drove her to suicide.
They didn't "lose" their kid. She did not die of cancer or get snatched up by a child molester. They drove her to suicide.
"Suicide should only be attributed to depression or other mental illness. To imply that is anything other than that diminishes the experiences of people who suffer from mental illness."
That makes no sense. Depression or other mental illnesses are likely the most common causes of suicide, but that doesn't mean they are…
Just love your kids.
Judging by the Tumblr, she was a fan of Sailor Moon, feminism, and stockings with cats on them
I've gotten to a point where i can truly enjoy this sort of shenanigans (news wise).
While this is gross, come on. This isn't even a top five Shrayber post for grossness.
Actually, it's about exits in games journalism.
*sigh* just more open hostility towards us Gamers. I wish we were treated with more respect by developers whose things we take/copy without paying.
One can be mentally ill and still fit to stand trial. Being incompetent for trial is a very high bar - it basically means that you aren't capable of understanding the proceedings or participating in your own defense.
Let's hear some more about how all this Gamergate shit has to do with journalism ethics, and not garden variety misogyny. Well? I know at least a few of you gamergate dipshits are going to show up. Enlighten me.
"It's too hard to draw non-skintight clothing" is probably my favorite excuse for bad character design.
The fact that "an" isn't capitalized in your username is so distracting that I can't concentrate on your point.
Honestly, that makes her public bullshit EVEN WORSE. Trolls are, ethically-speaking, worse than people who honestly believe the stupid, ignorant, hateful shit they say.
That Facebook post makes it sound like they really, really want you to believe that he was accidentally given a pool noodle in place of a cane. Like it's just one of those wacky things that happens. This is some bullshit.
Not uncommon at all. I've had audience walk onstage and eat or steal props, or even go backstage for the same purposes. Food props in the backstage area need to be guarded at all times, with conspicuous "do not eat" signs. Best was when an audience member took a bite out of some fake "cake" made of upholstery foam and…
Question: Is this a good musical? I hung out with theatur geeks in high school and was somehow never exposed to it. (That's not me saying I suspect the musical is bad, I'm legit wondering what people think of it).
I never understand the "other people have it way worse" argument when it comes to feminism, racism, etc.
I'm always like: Great! If ours is not such a big problem then there's no reason we shouldn't be able to address it in tandem with the other "bigger" problems. Now let's get to work!
If you're complaining about relationships being gamified, then this particular instance is a poor example. That would imply that the entire story of Josephine's romance was designed and created for the purpose of rewarding you with a trophy, which is clearly not the case. What this trophy amounts to is a token of…
I too have always respected how she deals with all this bullshit well. I just honestly do not find her compelling at all as an actress and have always been a bit confused as to how she has remained in the spot light for this damn long.
Molly Lambert once wrote this about Aniston, and I've been ride-or-die for her ever since: