Not only that, but it was BF3 using the Jay Z song, and Kotaku mentioning it. That's hardly an endorsement of the word "bitch". If anything, it sounded pretty tongue in cheek.
Not only that, but it was BF3 using the Jay Z song, and Kotaku mentioning it. That's hardly an endorsement of the word "bitch". If anything, it sounded pretty tongue in cheek.
This was my exact thoughts. It's not nice in a lot of ways. It creates a definition of a woman out of the condition that harmed her so much she wanted to kill herself. It also tries to make a sensationalist headline out of her condition, and is dehumanizing to boot.
Here, here! I think exploring the way gaming culture is structured is massively important, as a facet of popular media akin to TV or movies.
Hehe, just what I was going to say. Dude sings nerdy song, he is just hailed as a nerd singing a song. Girl sings nerdy song, she's an attention seeker who is only after attention from the manfolkz and lacks the proper genetics to TRULY be a nerd.
Maybe some women just like having lots of sex? That seems a much simpler explanation.
Ohh, don't you know? They'll eat our kids, kill all our crops, and turn the milk sour!
I said I'd be satisfied. I didn't say my satisfaction was a criteria the company needed to meet.
All the evidence above suggests Courtney Love is a vampire. You heard it here first.
What you described isn't oppression. When the oppressed group make derogatory comments about the powerful group, the comments don't have the same effect. Why? Because the oppressed group aren't leading the media, the law, the government. I'm not saying women can't be bigots, they quite often are, and I think it's…
I want to thank you for being one of the few voices of reason amongst a tirade of weird and defensive bullshit. I genuinely cannot believe how many angry, completely bizarre arguments I have seen here. My favourite is how people think it's super OK to make derogatory jokes about the classes of people you're screwing…
That would be totally awesome (<—*sarcasm, by the way*), except I'd say the majority of victims of fat shaming don't suddently jump out on the nearest treadmill to please the social hive mind. They just lose heaps of self esteem and mental wellbeing.
In Tina Fey's defense, being a size 12 is usually (but not always) considered clinically overweight. Whilst such a quote may give people larger than that negative body issues, losing 30 pounds from a size 12 is probably totally healthy, and would tip most people from "overweight" to "normal" BMI ranges. Whether you're…
I am a straight female, self proclaimed feminist, and I adore the Mass Effect costuming, especially female Shepherd N7 armour. It looks light, durable and protective, and has a great aesthetic. Sure, I roll my eyes when the camera gives me a totally unsubtle booty-shot of Miranda, but I'll endure it for a game that…
I call it a Train Station. Apparently I'm infected. As well as everyone I know...
That looks like a tram to me... does it move on a rail?
Whilst they may still exist, I feel the term "use" over-represents the British usage of the "bum bag". We generally don't wear them, they're generally reserved especially for those tourists who sport fold up ponchos and socks with sandals.
Really? Most people I know, young and old, already say "Train Station". "Railway Station" is such a mouthful.
Not only, as everyone has stated, is it a difficult/uncommon thing to do in the UK... why would he want to? And I say this as an independant 22 year old. Why rent a flat, probably pretty close to where he lives right now (as I assume he'd have no reason to go anywhere else) and spend an extra £500 a month to live,…
@Rita Hateworth: Jesse Eisenburg has his own little niche as "Fake Michael Cera", "Faux Michael Cera" or "Isn't that guy Michael Cera? Wait, no...".
@GamerKT: Unfortunate, yes. Ironic, no.