
Was that all scenes from next week, or for the rest of the season?

Well, I don't agree with that grade - I think this was my favorite episode so far this season. But yeah, it looks like they're getting ready to ratchet up the drama, which I both look forward to and dread.

That is par for the course for Stan (Sandra, Nina…)

"I did all sorts of annoying shit as an 11-year-old, and I’m sure it would be aggravating to watch my friends and I at the lunch table, too." —> should be "friends and ME."
Sorry, pet peeve of mine. Carry on.

It's real, but I think Gabriel's definition of it was wrong. I forgot what he said but it definitely wasn't anything to do with flowers. Anyone remember?

Not quite sure what to make of Oleg's decision to stay - or the call to transfer him in the first place. Wouldn't returning to Moscow put him closer to Nina? Did that figure into his thoughts at all?

I think Paige and the actress who play her are fine, but I'm not yet sold on this plot development, either. Still, I have faith that the show will execute it with plenty of nuance to balance the melodrama. Its track record on that count is excellent so far.

The only thing that could make this show better is the addition of Frank Langella. Woot!

Geez, could you sound any more condescending towards the Sundance audience? Just because something is rewarded for being a "crowd-pleaser" or playing to the "cheap seats" doesn't by definition make it a - what did you call it? - "disappointing victory of frivolous entertainment over real art." And no, I'm not at

Upvoted for recognition of The Constant Gardener - Fiennes' finest performance, and apparently no one noticed. Oh, and yes, he was great in GBH and deserved a nod for that, too.

I thought at first she was wearing a different dress in each version of the party; rewinded to make sure. But yeah, it's all in all she carries herself and how comfortable she seems in it. Excellent acting by Ruth Wilson, though it's interesting that Alison's version of herself (more depressed, guarded, uncertain)

Kid, how can you fall for Carrie's advances and barely notice Fara? Then again, it's pretty clear Fara, unlike Carrie, has too many scruples to seduce you

TOE the line, not tow. Please!
I really want to see HIM and HER *before* I see THEM (if I even need to see THEM at all, which this review isn't really selling). But I'm guessing THEM will not be in theaters anymore by the time the other two are released.

To quote a dear friend, whom I thank for making me laugh at a moment when I
feel more like crying: "Charlie Sheen, on the other hand: still alive."

That last scene with Philip and Annelise was just killer. What's interesting is that even though Philip was obviously talking (and thinking) about Elizabeth, I did get a sense that his "I'm sorry" was sincere and was directed at Annelise.

Can someone break down Larrick's sleuthing - i.e., what info did he ask for from the phone company (I missed the beginning of that scene) and how did it ultimately lead to the switchboard operator? Also, was the house he snuck into (with the little girl) in any way involved with the KGB, or just happened to be his

She even had a cover story all worked out for why she was late. Her lying delivery isn't quite there yet, but give her time.

Hilarious. I thought that ambassador actually kept his shit together fairly well, considering.

Oh, he knows something's up, all right, and may even figure it out on his own. But I meant he didn't seem to notice rapist-guy leaving the room soon after Anna did and then sneaking back in - whereas Mrs. Hughes clearly did notice, and once she saw Anna in her office, figured out what had happened immediately.

Good to see Dame Kiri on screen…Listened to her a lot in the '80s, growing up in an opera-loving household, and gawd, did she have a gorgeous voice. Was a looker, too. Actually, she still looks (and sounds) pretty good.