You are the exact type of person that would never make it onto a show like this in the first place - only drama llamas allowed.
You are the exact type of person that would never make it onto a show like this in the first place - only drama llamas allowed.
No. That should always be considered an option.
Good for her for being true to herself.
This is the drama that I’m here for and if the universe could please only offer drama of this caliber and not the horrifying real-shit variety it’s been into lately, then I would be a very satisfied customer of this experience called life. please and thank.
Fuck everything about this country.
Like 99% sure the writer is just jealous they can’t write such a modern musical masterpiece. The other 1% doesn’t understand what is happening and wants some cheese.
Fraudulent marriages definitely not a myth. I can think of 3-4 examples in my personal life and I’m not even part of an immigrant community.
Such a nightmare. I can’t stop thinking about this story. I just keep thinking about my brother who’s just a couple years older and what this would be like if it happened to him. Absolutely horrific for him and that poor family.
Never Allentown.
It’s just not comparable in your metaphor though. I think your analysis paints plastic surgery with too broad a brush. A boob job seems frivolous to you because we’re not considering that some people may be getting it as reconstructive surgery after cancer. Plastic surgeons repair cleft palates among other things. Are…
The poster clearly says the daughter worked there. That’s probably how she encountered the patient information.
Try not to faint.
It’s the principle of confidentiality itself that needs to be protected rather than the specific circumstances. Privacy considerations have to be across the board in order to be effective. The precedent of breaking confidentiality is dangerous.
She also worked there and likely knew that way.
Yes, I did notice and appreciate that! (Re: names)
No, it’s real, but has gotten a ton better in the last decade. One of my more recent experiences was a comic shop owner who took the time to recommend series that resonate with female audiences. Very smart, on his part. We also have money to spend!
Because women don’t wear pants, silly. Remember what they say - pants are for penises!
Really good questions! Seems like a lot of people had bad judgment...
This person has effectively ruined their life. Good luck getting a job with private data ever again, never mind all the legal trouble.