
I wouldn’t just get thee to a therapist, I’d go to an ER. You sound pretty suicidal to me.

Get to an urgent care or a hospital and report your symptoms. See what they can do. I’ve had SSRI withdrawal. It sucks and it’s borderline dangerous.

You can make friends by attending Meetups in your area. If I had the time, I would totally do a book club. But, alas.

Listen, lady...

Yes. And, any ER can refer you to an inpatient psychiatric program even if they do not have one themselves.

I urge you to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline that dunkinbronuts linked you to, if you are an American citizen. If you are an American citizen, you can also contact your county’s local crisis services or your nearest ER. I know that it feels like there are no solutions right now. As online strangers, we

Well, John Stewart famously said that he was his worst interview because he was so rude behind the scenes. Although John Stewart has also come out as a bit of an asshole, as much as it breaks my heart.

WOW. A judge shouldn’t think the truth is unreasonable.

Well played.

Same...and I don’t live in a city but I live right on the outskirts...I think the idea is nice but the current deal is too expensive.

At this point, I feel like these people have talent in marketing if nothing else. I don’t think ‘talentless’ fits them as a descriptor at all.

Either substances or an underlying condition...

Maybe because they're responsible for little children and want their office to have herd immunity? Also, if every pediatrician has this policy then parents would have to vaccinate.

Because people hate women. Including other women. Also, rape is horrifying. It’s probably easier for some people to live in their own imaginary world because rape doesn’t happen a lot because everyone’s just lying, or, they’re not lying but it happened because they did something stupid and you just have to avoid being

I’m familiar with her and I’m not even a journalist. Most professionals are familiar with their field’s early pioneers.

You jest but eyebrows are always the first thing to go when I'm having a depressive episode.

Normally I don’t like that kind of response, but I think this one merits it. Full stop.

It’s not being spun as oppression. The narrative represented in this article is one of hope and heroism.

That would be an interesting change since right now there seems to be a huge dearth of Asian actors.