Yeah, that's just what Lena needs, more validation. *eyeroll*
Yeah, that's just what Lena needs, more validation. *eyeroll*
So well researched that the Professor replies to a question on a 7 year old with nonsense about 3~4 year old behavior (Pre-k, US).
That article was atrocious. I hate Chris Brown as much as the next logical person, but he's not more of an asshole for bragging about "having sex" at 8 year olds. He's misinformed and he, like many other men, are conditioned to believe that consensual sex is possible when you're underage simply because you enjoyed it.
You should be. This article is full of disingenuous stanning for a sexual abuser, and instead of looking at the whole issue, you're doubling down and pretending like the one issue you wrote about is the only thing people are losing their shit about. Jesus Christ, who taught you how to do research?
Thank you! Using the "One of Those Girls" blog as a defense doesn't make much sense either. If you take a look you'll notice that the majority of the posts describe children around the same age experimenting together, not an older, almost adult sibling, masturbating next to a child. At seventeen you should know better…
The scene I read where Lena masturbated in bed with her sister asleep right next to her occurred when Lena was 17. So her sister was 10.
Did you do this after bribing her for kissing and laying on your body?
"I firmly believe that Lena gets a pass on a lot of fuckery simply because she's white."
Gonna reply to my own comment here with some of examples of what I mean so that people can see what I'm talking about:
Yes. Here are some links to document what I am talking about.
I wish the website that so frequently discusses white privilege actually acknowledged it in themselves.
And I bet you won't get any kind of answer from the author of the post. Sad.
THIS is what the fuck is bothering me. It seems that there is much more to the story but the focus from the white feminist media is "oh, she only looked at her sister's vagina when she was 7." From all accounts, that is NOT the only thing she said she did. WTF!
Yes. Tolentino chose the least troubling of all the incidents Dunham describes and pretends that alone is the issue. A straw man.
Yesterday, it was a "right-wing smear campaign." Today, it's, "Okay, that's kind of weird! But I did it, too, and I'm fine, see? We still love you, Lena!" Tomorrow, maybe it will be, "Woah, that's fucked up. But let's keep bankrolling Lena, anyway - at least she's not gross like Woody!"
I'm not lying. I don't have any experiences like this. I have five sisters, and to my knowledge, none of us ever behaved that way. The pebble story doesn't bother me, it's odd, but they were both very young. But masturbating in bed next to your ten year old sister is predatory.
Here's the only issue I have. Dunham is getting quite the pass while others (Chris Brown) aren't. I'm not saying CB should get a pass. I address that in a separate Jez article. The narrative for him from him seems to be, "I was young, it happened, I'm still paying for it, Rihanna and I are good, when will the public…
AND, her sister Grace said, "Without getting into specifics," she said, "most of our fights have revolved around my feeling like Lena took her approach to her own personal life and made my personal life her property."
THANK YOU. One more thing: Lena also relishes in delivering her sister bad news (like their grandfather dying) because it would mean that her sister would give her attention. That is some next level shit.
I think my biggest issue with this whole fiasco is not the acts Lena describes, but that she so cavalierly mentions that she did what a sexual predator would do (as I realize you discuss in this article). I realize that this is her brand of humor and maybe I just don't get her humor, but it is an out-of-touch,…