
I am on Feminist Current quite often. I don’t visit Reddit much though, because I originally got to know it as a home base for MRA’s, but I’ll check it out.
But it is refreshing to see some facts injected into a more mainstream community,

I have never seen research that supports that assumption, plus our brains are plastic. The brains of taxi drivers look very different from trapeze artists. The beauty of our brains are that we can form new pathways to support newly learned skills and thinking patterns.

Yep. I’m a DV advocate. Strangulation is one of the key indicators of risk for homicide on Domestic Violence Lethality Assessments that law enforcement use with victims/survivors.

Yup. In abusive relationships choking a partner is a very clear sign that they will continue until they’ve killed them.

Mass incarceration is a legitimate problem, but lock up serial rapists forever. They aren’t victims of a system stacked against them; the justice system is built to their advantage, especially in the case of the Brock Turners of this world.

Strangulation is also a leading indicator of “person who will escalate to killing intimate partner.”

“...choking girls who refused to engage in sex with him until they complied” sounds like rape to me.

So this dude was doing this at 14/15? That’s a psychopath right there.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. It’s rare to see some common sense and actual (biological) science in the comments here. Listening to the whole “male-brain” / “female-brain” argument feels like listening to climate change deniers and people preaching intelligent design.

I get the impression that some people feel like

I’m crying because this is so unfair.

Fuck ICE. Fuck everyone involved in this. Fuck Trump, fuck everyone who voted for him, and fuck anyone who is still supporting him. Fuck his whole disgusting family, and fuck every bloated white over-privileged person who somehow thinks this administration will benefit him.

Fuck everything, this breaks my heart.

Not sure I understand the sarcasm here. I think it’s fair to say a victim isn’t at fault for being stalked or harassed, no matter how much social media presence they have.

I’m talking about respected actresses who vehemently defend them and their eagerness to star in their films. And neither Allen nor Polanski have predominantly male audiences. They still make “date night” worthy features. Women are voting with their dollars and eyeballs.

Woody Allen makes me sick. The sheer number of major box office stars that line up to do his films is just a mental checkbox of actors I refuse to pay money to see in anything else. Ever.

At my age I have realized a great truth: no one gets upset because telling men that their sexuality or sexual urges are inappropriate, unwanted, non-consensual, violent, demeaning, hurtful, etc, would be to deny heterosexual men their right to express their sexuality unleashed. We live in world that places that

Nobody, as far as I can tell, is saying that it’s not a great movie. However, treating it as the definitive text on the Cambodian genocide (as the OP does) while “passing” on a different true story written by a Cambodian woman about her experiences is not a great look.

I think you should read up on whether or not he’s ‘served his time.’

I watch Blackish. I don’t watch anything with Charlie Sheen and never have. You want me to give Chris Brown ‘a break’... why? And do you think that him beating up Rihanna was the most recent violent thing he did?

If there were ~30 trans murders last year, and there are, let’s say 1 million trans people in the US, that would actually mean the murder rate for trans people is lower than that of the general population.