Miraculous Hummingbird

Holy shit Cory Gardner just called on Jones to vote with Republicans. Like WTF should Trump be sticking to Hillary’s game plan then??! The Fucking Nerve Of These Fuck Wits!!!

Pacifiers are associated with increased ear infections but if your kid is bottle fed and not hungry, go for it. The swallowing probably helps more than just sucking on the paci though.

She was probably hoping he would nap if she nursed shortly before take off.

Yeah just the other day my toddler asked for strawberries and I give her grapes instead. “That’s cool Mom, I forgot strawberries aren’t really in season, “ she said. O h wait she freaked out because that is how toddlers are!!!

It’s complimentary feeding so there will be a supply decrease as the child requires the milk less for nutrition but antibodies remain.

One year is not the limit, it’s the minimum recommendation.

I am so glad you were able to make yourself heard.

“Then leave him! home.” I think I’m going to like FP/Alice.

They take issue with reducing multiples to try and make the pregnancy safer for the woman and increase chances of survival for the other fetuses. So they are pro conception but anti actual humans. Par for the course really.

In my personal experience it has been a very insidious transition. Local right wing radio personalities poisoned my father’s brain years ago. It’s an anti-progress agenda that starts with the soft-headed boomers and gets passed down to their white bread sons.

A care taker pick is a huge mistake. MN will go red at this rate. Dems need a fighter.

He has prostate cancer so unfortunately this is not an impossible senario. It’s also a terrible idea to appoint her if she has no intention of hanging on to the seat.

Yes SE MN here: If Dayton appoints Smith Dems will destroy each other for the seat and it will go red.

It has to be Hortman or Liebling. And you are right about xenaphobes. I wish it were otherwise but MN is a swing state.

I think you mean “when the WORLD burns.”. But yeah pretty much.

My former co-worker ‘s husband is being deported TOMORROW. Came to the U.S. as a child, married to a citizen, kids. Worked in law enforcement. His wife says he will likely be killed shortly after the plane lands. ICE will not let them say good bye in person. Fuck everything.

Melissa Franzen would be a good choice also. A little more time for Ilhan to get some experience.

Maybe Alex will get her kryptonite sword back out again.


Ditto for my mom in finance :(