Princess Buttercup

Garth Brooks is 55 and working his ass off at his concerts pretty much every night of the week it seems. If he wants to lip sync at a dumb award show that’s fine with me. He’s saving what he’s got for the paying fans.

Mini Pie looks awesome!

Yay for crafty Halloween costumes!
I made two costumes for the little for Halloween.
Shea Coulee from RuPaul’s Drag Race (link to my twitter because I’m being lazy)
and Myrtha, the Queen of the Wilis, from Giselle. I decided to go all out and do a photoshoot with her dad:

FB album of the cat skeleton. After I got it home I decided I was not happy with the plaque it was mounted on (which was rather rough pine and had a spray-painted coat that didn’t go on so smoothly in the SF damp), so I am preparing a plaque myself... (It’s also giving me a chance to practice some Dremel skills!)

Craft Thread! Added a new design this week:

I finally finished the troll costume and my dining table was clean at last. So after I cleaned everything in there, I messed up the kitchen with some Halloween cookies.

A triptych for a medievalist conference I’m at this weekend. The texts are a riddle from the Exeter Book and a protective spell from the Staffordshire Hoard. The penguins are, well, penguins!

I went to Rhinebeck last weekend so I am FULL UP on gorgeous new yarnies but I’m forcing myself to finish my WIPS before I cast on anything new (let’s see how long this lasts).

Right now, I’m working on a pair of self-striping socks that just look SO COOL, even inside-out (too bad I had to frog these because I didn’t

We successfully kept white nationalists out of Murfreesboro today and I feel really fucking awesome about that!

Job thread:

Craft Thread!

If it wasn’t for you guys and SNS, I am not sure that I could have made it through the past few years and I am not even exaggerating. I vented and received not only comfort but solid advice and sometimes the pat on the shoulder that I needed. Thankfully, Big Foot has made so much progress and things are easier but

I made this for my gallery in a town known for Halloween 👻. I have it set up across from my window and watch people engage with it all day.

What has happened to the lil bald headed baby (“Jezebel”) who would be posted here every week? I feel like I have not seen her in ages and that bites.

Happy Saturday to all to all you fine Peeps. I finally got furnished with my mini kit. He’s settling in fine.

Posted this last week, but doing it again can’t hurt:

My best friend is having her birthday party tonight and it’s minion themed. Pause for your reaction.

Crate train them ASAP, the younger you teach them that their crate is “their” space and reward them with rawhides, the better.

Well...I started trying to change my eating habits about a month ago. Just from portion control and cutting way down on sugar and salt and drinking more water, I’ve dropped eight pounds. That’s good, right? I’ve never really tried to diet before so I’m still learning. And just this past week I’ve

I just finished watching Hidden Figures. It was as amazing as everyone said.