Princess Buttercup

I’m not too concerned with it. The first reason is that the placebo effect is real: so if people want to believe that some pretty stickers are lessening their anxiety and they have the cash, let them at it.

I think it’s obvious to say don’t bring the trolls out of the greys.

This is awful. Sins of the father should have no bearing on the children (despite bible passages to the contrary). That poor child.

Ah, cross-stitch, my old friend. I started with tiny video game sprites and moved on to gigantic pieces over time. I once made a Nyan cat cross-stitch for a friend; the rainbow alone measured about two feet long. It took over a year of working on it on-and-off while listening to podcasts and “watching” every season of

Finished tonight’s mini project:

I made another batch of soap (too late for the eclipse but oh well, my hope is it can still work for fall/Halloween). It has activated charcoal and is tobacco & bay leaf scented. Really loving this one so far!

Oooo I love that one! I never send letters to anyone ever but I love gorgeous stationary. I always find some I love and pretend for a bit that I’ll actually start sending letters to friends just to be old school and fun but never do, haha.

Practice for Halloween. I didn’t make the cookies but the jack-o-lanterns are all mine.

Ahh I love sharks and this is AMAZING. This week my mother-in-law bought my daughter a play kitchen and I copied a Pinterest mod because it looked so much cuter than plain white and silver. And I love that for $5 it now looks like it has a marble counter top. Now I’m of course making things for said kitchen.

I seriously love that fish so much. Turned out amazing!


I got a cat! It’s my very first pet of my own (not my parents). She’s feisty and sassy and fun and extra cuddly in the mornings.

My Lovelies!

My slow-as-hell, very much a WIP giant embroidery hoop! I’ll be glad as fuck when this thing is done. (but also kind of loving working on it)

Craft Thread!

It’s my dad’s birthday. We’re celebrating by going to see It later tonight.

She may be evil. But goddammit, she’s an evil GENIUS.

Catalina is now 9 lbs 1 oz (almost 8 times her birth weight) and 19.6 inches tall. She got a hearing test this week and PASSED! I was kinda worried about it, but she only has minimum hearing loss in her left ear. Also this week she started reacting more to sounds and other stimuli - before this she would usually not

So speaking of dogs... This guy came home with me today...

Craft Thread!