People always want what they can't have. Faceplates and colored buttons are not enough for me to go back to a smaller screen.
People always want what they can't have. Faceplates and colored buttons are not enough for me to go back to a smaller screen.
I'm in between pc, 3ds, or wii u. Having it be portable would be nice but playing it on a big screen would be nicer. I don't really have a pc reason but if I wasn't gonna buy it on a Nintendo console id have to go pc cause I don't have ps4 or vita. Maybe pc so I don't ever have to leave my computer XD.
i have the same feels about "Codename S.T.E.A.M" coming for 3ds but i think the gameplay will make up for it.
So hype for Citizens of Earth. It's trying so hard to be Earthbound and that's ok with me!
RIGHT?! SyFy has some pretty crappy shows,, a good 90% of them really. But I really enjoyed this one especially the fact that they acknowledge time paradoxes like "You can't go back into the past to change this because if you change it you want have a reason to go back into the past in the first place BUT if you don't…
already backed it day one ;) HONG KONG HYPE!
I never finished Shadowrun Returns but I really liked what I played of it so I'm gonna finish that and then move on to the Dragon Fall expansion which I hear is even better.
yeah just parate it.. you know when ever it comes out.... when is this coming out?
Any time is the best time to recommend if you haven't read it yet :)
What no Moon Knight? Really feel like that deserves to be here. Not more so than any of the others, just along side them.
Not a problem. I have a 3DS XL and I have no intention of going back to a smaller screen for some colored buttons and face plates that I'm never gonna buy. If your someone who likes to collect ALL DA SYSTEMS then more power to you but I don't have it like that so 1 system is just fine for me.
Wow did they actually get Stephen Amell (actor who plays Arow in the show) for the voice? That's awesome!
The reason I don't expect any Zelda or Fox stuff is because they are focusing on the Spring line up those are a bit off. Smash definitely but probably just MewTwo and the tournament mode stuff. I'm sure we'll see some kirby stuff tho.
Wow wasn't expecting one untill February but Awesome! Guess we'll finally get some MewTwo footage for smash.
When I read that original sentence and saw that Jason had written it, my heart stopped! Not cool man. NOT COOL!
Ah Square, sometimes you make it just a little harder to hate you... sometimes.
Not enough people appreciate the awesomeness that is Vanquish. My only grip with the game was that it was to short. I keep hoping it will get a sequel one day, especially considering how it ended. A sequel to this game makes more since than a sequel to Bayonetta plot wise (not that i didn't like Bayo 2).
The way its written makes me think this comic could have only been made now and succeed and I hope it does cause I want more!
Mr. Narcisse, I implore you, if you have not done so already, and only if you find you have the time in you undoubtedly busy schedule... READ THE NEW MARVEL COMIC "THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL" ITS SO FRIGGEN GOOD!!! ...*clear throat* mm yes quite... Good day sir >_>
Yeah I loved this one. This guy was just so salty the entire time XD. I wasn't even that interested in the gameplay but his commentary on the game is hilarious. He basically just insults the developer of the game for most of it which I'm absolutely positive the developer was watching since the dev actually made this…