Wow! Thought I was the only one! This has been happening to me for a while, but when it happens to me it's uaually when I'm going to bed, and I don't actually play much more than 3-4 a week...
Wow! Thought I was the only one! This has been happening to me for a while, but when it happens to me it's uaually when I'm going to bed, and I don't actually play much more than 3-4 a week...
This must have taken ages to write, but I'm so glad you did! THANK YOUUUU :D
I actually bought an original gameboy a couple years back, and I absolutely love it
Did he say its kind of plastic? I'm fairly sure a lot of consoles today are made of some sort of plastic... I know my ps4 is..
I'd like to see something similar to Pokemon Stadium or Pokemon Battle Revolution
I feel like all of those cameras would drain the battery, especially if they're constantly scanning.
this made my day haha
that is literally the most brilliant thing I have heard all day haha
If you're going to die one day anyway, why not take a chance? Why not live life to the fullest? Do anything and everything, and if you die doing something you love to do, at least you were happy the moments before death.
I would buy that in a heartbeat if I saw these for sale somewhere
haha I still remember the first time I saw this movie
The original gameboy's 25th birthday was a month or two ago, I think
So beautiful :'3
I'm sad to say this, but I have yet to play any of the Half Life games...
I'd imagine working there, constantly hearing that, could get irritating...
Been wanting to make something similar to this for a while now. Was going to sculpt a new housing based off the old one, and cast it in aluminum. Now I'm not sure if I should go ahead and make mine, or just buy this! :D
Didn't play the GBC games, but I fondly remember the old pc games haha
ahhhh! I see what you did there!
That was a truly beautiful piece, very touching