
No... you should be voting for Hillary because by every objective measure she is viable and competent. I love Bernie too but he couldn’t lead his way out of a wet paper bag. Great heart though.

I don’t think it’s quite that simple and I disagree with Steinem’s observation but I’m also aware that there are Hillary supporters who support her mostly because she’s a woman. I don’t agree with that. And I support Hillary for the nomination but not because she’s a woman.

I think we, as feminists, are smarter than that. I'm for Hillary this time but I was for Obama in 08. And I'll be happy to cast my vote for Bernie if he's the nominee. We're better than just voting for our demographic.

On paper, Hillary and Bernie may be neck and neck on women’s issues. But I don’t believe he will fight for them the same way she will.

What I Find interesting is that Bernie could be the first jewish president and no one is saying anything about that.

Sure, but American men do tend to get less liberal with age. Or rather, society is getting more liberal, but men refuse to change their older ways in an attempt to preserve a status quo which benefits them. In this way, it’s not that anyone “gets more conservative”, but society advances and women are more willing to

I believe older Democrat men also prefer Hillary rather than Bernie according to polling?

“Men tend to get more conservative because they gain power as they age,”

Coincidentally those are my same faces when a partner tries knocking on the back door.

I was annoyed that he seemed to not really understand pixels or frame rates, even though he claimed to care about such things


Yeah, I didn’t give a shit about this story until this piece of news. I assumed it was true from the beginning, and I still didn’t give a shit. Manning’s older than I am and has a bad neck: I’ve got a bad back (though not even as bad as Manning’s neck), and I’d absolutely take HGH if I thought it would help me feel

Leave Sly and the family alone.

Considering Stevens case was hinged upong Brendans testimony, I would say if one is innocent so is the other. The sad thing is Brendan clearly has untreated psychiatric issues that need to be dealt with. The DA manipulated a socially inept young teen to fit into his narrative, they should be ashamed!

GOsh, really works out for those people who were going to be sued for 36 million. #luckybreak

Yup. People deserve justice, including a fair trial, even when they’ve done horrible things.

Good thing that social media doesn’t decide innocence or guilt. RATIONAL people are upset because he didn’t get a fair trial.

“We threw him down a hole and threw away the hole.”

Probably because he looks so creepy and guilty here, that there will be fewer people going nuts with the “innocent until proven guilty” argument. 80% of Gawker’s clicks is people coming back to fight with each other.

He only stopped typing because he couldn’t see the screen through all the spittle.