
I wouldn’t say they’re common for Staters in Oregon, but you see them pretty frequently, especially on that stretch of road. That statement is almost assuredly bullshit on the rider’s part.

it’s not wise to believe “it’s ok for cops to crack the skulls of people I don’t like,” ‘cos eventually they’ll find or be given a reason to crack your skull.

ok, on this one there’s dickery from both sides. The little boy on the bike who thinks public roads are his own personal race track should have had his license suspended at most.

I’m from Oregon and this is the first cop car with standard plates I’ve ever seen. Every unmarked car I’ve seen still have the yellow plates.

If your turn ons are hugging and depression, I’m your gal!

This guy is just pure nightmare fuel incarnate isn’t he?

So you mean the teenager got into a fight? Well, how unusual! And what a big crime!

Misdemeanor assault.

Gosh, sometimes you are really funny, and other times you are kind of mean. I wish I could figure that out.

Wow, your weak ass straw man wouldn’t be able to handle an Alaska cornfeild.

You know you’re the only one dumb enough to believe that, right? No one else here buys it.

I’m only commenting on your trolling, I don’t have to explain it.

Look, we get it. People were having a good time, and somehow, that bothered you. You don’t have to explain why. Some people become contrary assholes whenever anyone seems to be enjoying themselves.

So she deserved to die?

Found the racist sociopath.

So you believe everyone of every age who has ever committed any level of crime as defined by the state should drop dead? Only angels deserve to live? What kind of point exactly are you trying to make here?

Neither are you because angels don’t exist. So what’s your point? At least be bold enough to say it directly instead of posting this “no angel” bullshit.

Oh OK. Guess she deserved to die then.

You’ll live a long unsatisfied life if you are looking for a place filled with humans but void of any hypocrisy.

Have you ever read the comments on an R. Kelly or Chris Brown story? The idea that black men who rape or beat women are let off easy here is just plain wrong.

You seem to not understand how bias works. If the system existed to screw everyone that would be draconian but not biased.