
>Doesn’t know what a Camel Toe is

And this is why we need Sex-Ed, folks!

Probably won’t be playing games this weekend, going to be busy with my job Programming a Video Game XD

The irony when you talk about “lack of research” on an article that has been researched more than your lack of knowledge.

The difference being that the Developer went to Capcom first before trying to release the game.

So there’s a rip of both Capcom and Nintendo here, as both of the new weapons are the Down-B of Fox and Metaknight in Super Smash Bros.

I’m with you on this one. The game as presented looks like it’s going to be a SystemShock/Bioshock game with a Middle-East skin. Not what I’d be hoping for (and I’m White).

I’ve certainly noticed my Switch getting warm to the touch this summer, but it doesn’t seem to have effected it’s usability at all.

From the looks of things the made the lighting and shine more realistic... How is this bad?

Think of it like your standard Final Fantasy “Sequel”

Any connection to previous games is superficial at best and you don’t need to know their story to understand the next entry.

I was mostly underwhelmed by I am Setsuna until I hit the moments leading to and after the end-boss. Then I got hit in the feels, hard. Though that mainly saved the story for me, rest of the gameplay still felt underwhelming.

That said, I’m very glad to see that they’re learning from the experience, and that they’re

Then I feel sorry for you, and hope that you never have to be in her shoes.

Judging from the audio recording, they told her to “get back” and to “drop the knife” and then literally a matter of seconds later opened fire.

Do you honestly expect someone who is on an emotional high and has a known mental illness (that they clearly not only knew about, but were making fun of) to comply that quickly?

So are these remotely controlled or automated?

Indeed, the show is at it’s best when it’s showing the absolute absurdity of what is going on in society. Doesn’t matter if it’s from the left or the right.

Disgaea 5 Complete has Achievements/Trophies.

Honestly, they just pidgeon-hole people into doing X thing rather than exploring and doing what they enjoy.

“Let’s all jump up super high” is correct

Took a look @ #7 and then revise your statement.

Remember when Need for Speed was all about racing on a track or in the streets? This Gamer does...

Cause what the hell is this?

They shouldn’t even be doing it for any game, at all.

Played the demo (Thank you Nintendo for being one of the last bastions for proper Game Demos!) just cause I could, was going to buy it anyway.

Damnit Nintendo, stop making my backlog bigger!