
I started down the architecture path in 10th grade and never looked back. I used to write in small caps, since i've been in the graphics industry for 15 years, my writing has creatively gotten worse/better if that make sense. A strong blend of architectural caps, traditional lowercase and an occasional flourish. You

I love the idea, but shouldn't they drop the "O" logo and replace it with an American flag now? Last I checked it was the United States of America not The United States of Obama...

I like the pared down format that this spits out. As an aside, even if you don't agree with the channel, Fox News has one of the best formatted iPhone sites i've seen yet. This utility comes very close to it.

@Speesh: I think that last comment I made was not quite as elegant as it should be and I apologize. One should not act rashly like that.

@Speesh: I'm glad you're not american too ;) Love ya!

I wonder how much Michelle Obiden get's out of the $600 billion that the dem's have raised...? Bad form on the lead-in Jackson. EPIC FAIL.

@sewob: You my friend, are part of the problem. This isn't a partisan issue. Everyone (yes, including you and I) are at fault here. It doesn't matter what side of the aisle is in office, nothing ever happens because all of them give a rats ass about 2 things: 1)how much they can get paid by special interests and 2)

... and I'm not just talking about the tech sector...

Bring our helpdesk jobs back from india and the likes, quit outsourcing!!! We have shot ourselves in the big collective foot over the years by letting all of our first line workers down and sending their jobs overseas.

I have great concerns about this even if I will never come close to my 250GB. My entire home is operating over my comcast modem. I have my DirecTV box, my Xbox360, and 3-4 PCs on my internal network. I DL movies over my Xbox and DirecTV on-demand in hi-def regularly, as well as having Vonage and some VERY light file