
The great part of XII for me is still the world they built, just massive feeling. Vaan (and Penelo), on the other hand is harder to ignore. I mostly got around the annoyance of his presence by using him as a mindless berserker in combat (haste. Protect, shell, bubble, bravery, and berserk)- basically turning the token

It isn’t, FFX is an extended weeaboo fanwank with a water soccer simulator and a good soundtrack.

Dual casting and the overall changes to the magic system and the buffs to ranged weapons (and the addition of crossbows in Dawnguard) made it the best fantasy shooter since Heretic/Hexxen.

I can see Fang taking possibly violent exception to that.

Fair enough, though I would still quibble that Kylo has mastered combat- I kinda get the feeling he isn’t much further along than Luke was between V and VI, Snoke was (conveniently) specific that it was time to finish his training.

The reason for the helmet is that he is A) a Vader worshipper- Grandad had a badass helmet, so he wears a badass helmet. And B) woefully inexperienced and desperate to show himself to be intimidating as fuck. So big scary helmet, voice mod, extra threatening saber. He’s overcompensating to an extent seen only in

I think that the idea there was to reference where Obi-Wan made his comeback against Maul in Ep. I. It was to highlight Rey realizing that she could let go and allow the Force to guide her, which provided immediate contrast to Kylo Ren’s attempts to brute force everything.

Coming so recently after the editorial about the adversarial relationship between Kotaku and Ubisoft this just seems like another little ‘fuck you’ added to the pile....

Don’t give Kojima any ideas......

This. Haven’t played it yet, but from reading the turns- your solutionis much neater.

I’ll wait for the inevitable GotY Edition with all the dlc on one disc. Absolutely zero point to ever buying a Bethesda game on day one.

Boring conversation anyway.

I wonder what you would have made of the first LK clears in Wrath being done with engineering demolition packs meant for siege pvp being used to cheese Arthas.

Wonderful read! I wanted to add something, I’m on mobile, so I can’t find the links, but I remember reading some interviews with Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder in the last year or so (I think it had an anniversary recently, if anyone knows of anywhere Cleavon may have spoken on the subject before he passed in ‘92, point

Gamers see cosmetic shit for sale on an Activision title -

Fucking amazing, I completely understand the pain.

I agree with your first point, though most of the complaints seem to specifically note that it wasn’t made clear that the game and score would be digital copies.

It’s also a word synonymous with complex to an absurd degree.

It’s been stated multiple times, but I’ll add my two bits. I remember a discussion from a Blizzcon years ago where one of the raid designers talked about the difficulty of staying ahead of the “collective iq” of the WoW player base. It was in reference to the raids in Wrath where, especially with the hard mode version