
I’m a little slow on the uptake today but is this Titanic sub-blog all about how Gawker/Jezebel is a sinking ship?

I’m so glad he’s a nice guy in “real” life.

Ooooh! That’s pretty embarrassing. I’ve been a huge Jeff Daniels fan since “Terms” and I would stalk him too!

What?? Where is this happening?

She is a true narcissist. I don't think you have to be a shrink to know one, you just have to actually know one to know one.

That’s not slut-shaming. Being naked for the world is not feminism. And if that’s the “new” feminism, it must be 4th or 5th wave and I don’t want any part of that.

I’ve seen a matrix somewhere that graphs the tipping point from making enough money and being happy, to having too much money TO be happy. I think the annual income point it turns from happy to miserable was around $750,000/year.

I’m so sorry this happened to you, it sounds absolutely awful. I strangely have a friend who went through something similar. She never did get the closure from him, but she found it in herself.

The fur is the grossest thing about this picture...and that's saying something.

I thought E came out later, maybe 1994? I did eventually find my way to coke and heroin (as one does) but that wasn’t until 1996. At the 1991 lolla I was just smoking but I was also only 14.

Me too!

I read the First Wives Club book and loved it, but was disappointed by the movie. The book was sad and touching but the movie was kind of silly. But Bette was good in it!

I don’t know to what feminism you subscribe, but if literally slicing open and changing your face to be something you are not is the new feminism, I don’t want any part of it.

Don’t get it twisted. She picked herself apart and changed everything about her face to fit into a disgusting, self-mutilating mold. This is 100% NOT feminist. Feminism does not mean “slice your face open to look hotter.”

blunt traumatic asphyxiation

So funny- I also wore something on the traditional side, but really regret not wearing this one. It would have been so sweet! The garter really makes it.

I was so obsessed with this dress when the video came out (I was in high school), I had plans to have it made for my own wedding!

I agree with the theory, which is why I enrolled my son in public school. It is actually in a very good neighborhood, but definitely more diverse. After a year of this, I am transferring him to private for 2nd grade. He has kids in his class who have seen Deadpool. He's picking up bad habits and I have to say, this is

This bugs me though. Why should she have to flee an event? JAY should flee, he’s the cheater. Unless this is all a ruse to get her name in the news.