
Univision is Congress?

That’s the downside of public companies, they have different customers. A private company creates value by offering a service or product to a customer who gives them money. A public company creates value by offering value to investors who give them money.

I work for a publishing company. Our CEO started a speech, “If you don’t write stories or don’t sell ads, you’re overhead.” He was also building a mult-million dollar house in a market where most of our employees couldn’t afford the rent, and had neither written a story, nor sold an ad, ever. I was 34, and this is

He’s right though, he has a great relationship with Russia. Russians buy a great deal of his property, they loan him money, his campaign manager was paid millions by the Russians. He’s in deep with the Russians.

I feel like the only time I hear anything about C.J. is when she pulls a stunt like this. What value does she bring to the Strib? Being totally inappropriate brings attention, but it doesn’t bring advertisers and subscribers.

And how many Americans stand in their living room while it plays? Honestly it’s not like she’s torching the flag and saying America sucks, like holy heck

Untreated adult ADHD is painful to watch. Trump’s answers often boil down to: Hey, SQUIRREL!!!

I was REALLY skeeved by a supercut of all the “sick burns” that were thrown at her during the roast. It was all sexist bullshit making fun of her’S SO MUCH MATERIAL THERE, WHY GO FOR THE SEXIST HACK JOKES?!?! I know we all hate her, but it doesn’t make that shit ok.

Yet Trump supporters think Trump will bring jobs back to America (when even his own stuff is made overseas) and fix the economy.

I just don’t have a sense of humor for “kill yourself” jokes, so I’d probably be salty about those instances too. "They all do it" be damned.

Some of these insults were low level internet troll shit, and thus, not very funny.

Look, I hate even the sight of her too, but telling her to kill herself in front of millions is still pretty terrible. That being said, @Rob Lowe—daaaamn.

I hate her too, but telling her to kill herself in front of millions seems a bit much.

to the folks on here hating because the cyclist never “worked” a day in his life: your emotional reaction to this story has everything to do with your own internal state and your own dissatisfaction with some part of yourself. deep down, i bet several of you are jealous that you chose not to lead this kind of

Yes, I too remember the mass market electric cars that existed before the Model S, and their world-wide dedicated charging infrastructure. Though I cannot recall the name of the company that built them, surely you can help me?

He hasn’t advanced any technologies

Who was landing rockets on floating barges before?

Really? When was the other time you saw someone flip a fucking rocket over in space and land it on a barge to be reused?

Accessibility is advancement.

His Tesla batteries haven’t advanced technology?