Have your professional accomplishments changed this country? When have you been invited to the White House to celebrate your professional accomplishments?
Have your professional accomplishments changed this country? When have you been invited to the White House to celebrate your professional accomplishments?
Okay,I graduated in '86 so I'm completely of the '80s and I had to google who/what the hell Lisa Frank was. Seriously! Never heard of her and have never seen any of her products. I lived at the mall—Spencers, Marie Claire, all of them but never a Lisa Frank store (was it a store or just products?)
I would usually agree with you, but the fact the kid got the gun from his older brother does cause me pause and to want a bit more details on the family before armchair diagnosing sociapathy.
Which is why they are being tried in juvenile court, which by law is focused on rehabilitation as opposed to punishment.
Don't go there man, seriously back off now.
Easy...look at Canada or Tasmania.
So you put a handgun in somebody's face and what, he laughs?
Yup. A Juicy and a Nordstrom have a very different recruiting experience and cost...and it does show.
It's not that high in the retail setting. They rarely rely on recruiters and have an easy source of resumes so sourcing channels are really cheap. Training is often on the job with less than 1/2 day lost to administration and 'corporate' training.
What kind of shit are you shoveling?
If it's any consolation, when I had my wisdom teeth out I breezed straight through. No serious pain and was eating pizza the next day. When I went in for the 3-day check in the dentists was rather surprised how well I was feeling. Turned out my bottom teeth were all impacted and he had to drill a channel under them…
See, that's why I know I'm not a well adjusted person. I see this picture and all I desperately want is to shear his chest and make a huge pile of Bo fluff I can roll around in.
Just too disturbing. The month-long coke binge eyes I could live with, but the ears!!!???!!! WHERE ARE HIS EARS???
Then isn't it great this bill does exactly that?
Because some of use don't want chemicals in our food. Any chemicals. There is just no need for chemicals in our food, water or air.
What a sad, small life you must have.
It's tummy is glowing.
The question for me is are you roommates or partners? I lived with my Mr. a decade and while I earned a good salary which would have provided me a nice life, he always has had a lot more money so 'splitting' of expenses was never a real discussion for us.
I'd like to see somebody snort coke ironically. Are crazy straws involved?
Does it count if I first did it first year in college ('90) after hearing such sexy things about it in my high school DARE classes in the 80s?