Check Walmart—they usually have them year round. Otherwise I just checked and Amazon has various sizes for around $15/dozen. About half show free Prime shipping.
Check Walmart—they usually have them year round. Otherwise I just checked and Amazon has various sizes for around $15/dozen. About half show free Prime shipping.
I like your detailed mind!
My local re-run channel has Maude and I've been catching up. I'm old enough to have vague memories of my mom and her friends constantly talking about it in the 70s. Was pretty eye opening to watch the abortion episode where married Maude had an abortion—a few months before Roe v Wade. I don't think any current…
When anyone asked, I do hope you told them your cat had marked you.
Equality Rox also snap and pop if you put them in your mouth.
No comment on the question, but Burt Reynolds is NEVER lazy. Drained maybe. Satiated to the point of stupor sometimes. But never lazy.
To me this topic is no different than raising puppies. To have a well-rounded stable dog or child you must socialize them when they're young. Expose them to different people, places and stimulus. Have a loving person around to teach, show and explore with.
Bullshit! If we only feed them rice and beans Obama will shit more and my taxpayers will go to wipe that man's ass. You can live in your la'de'da world with all the money in the world for silk ass wipes, that's not where my money should go.
Well, I hear Matt's tweet of "Die, bitch Die" was also rejected.
I was under the impression you could limit the total amount collected by limiting the number of slots open for donation. Every project I've worked with has X number of levels and Y of Z slots per level. Yes the developer can do 2nd and 3rd round increases, but they do set a specific amount to be raised explicitly by…
I don't watch the show so don't have any strong opinions. But a twist to your theory is she also might be consciously thinking of the salary she's currently making..."I already have one, want to grow the family AND right now I'm making $60k and I can't guarantee I'll always make this much later."
But how else will I know who the communists are?
Damn it, YES this is helpful and framing it as some either/or scenario is harmful to everyone.
Or she could turn out like me. Somehow I learned how to bake (breads, muffins, etc) pretty well but never learned to cook real food. Seriously...I'm 45 and just fried my first egg this year (never knew it was so easy!!!). On the plus side it's because my career kept me traveling and I was never at 'home' longer…
Umm...he wasn't rescuing the sea lion from 'a' dog. He was rescuing it from his own damn dog. It was his daughter's dog. They were out for the day as a family. They allowed THEIR dog to run leashless. THEIR dog attacked the sea lion.
being a good wife is a great role for a woman to choose for herself. It's not a good goal to force on children due to your own sexist view of female career opportunities.
You were able to learn braiding from pictures? (Or does Pin allow video posting?)
Then what's the public input for? I've used OneNote for years to keep various links organized and never felt the need to submit it to random strangers too ooh & aah over.
Not a 100% sure mannequin have genitalia so we must ask why you think this is a 'girl'. A gender-neutral model can't wear a dress in your world?