If they’re so against abortions, why do they keep making these movies?
If they’re so against abortions, why do they keep making these movies?
I’m willing to risk it to meet whoever yelled “Hey it’s that guy who’s going to jail!” at Michael Cohen.
He completed his sentence and therapy. In a lot of ways, he was the ideal case for rehabilitation of a juvenile offender. Him pulling the “I was innocent all along” makes him even less sympathetic than before, of course.
“Gonna be honest—if you find yourself constantly having to explain to people that despite what they just heard you say,”
But that’s not what’s happening. People are continually calling him racist based on one incident, reported years after the fact, that they lack all the information on, that they don’t have film or…
In a restaurant full of people, he chose to publicly shame and threaten some people who spoke Spanish, and could have actually ruined their lives if he had followed through with calling ICE. And when this video came out, it became clear that he had done this type of stuff before. He isn’t a victim, and this sentiment…
Yes, they are, but omitting Tambor from “Arrested Development” doesn’t necessarily help them.
Counterpoint: Public shaming may be the tool most appropriate to change not only his behavior, but that of the next racist.
This is what your Democrat “compromise” looks like. This is what your milquetoast centrist “let’s work with Republicans” gets you: an evidence destroying torturing liar in charge of the CIA for years and years.
You get to hunt tigers, ride elephants, explore mysterious ruins in the jungle, and fight made-up death cults. The time period looks like it’s between the World Wars, so add subplots about dastardly Nazi agents and airship travel and whatnot. Rajworld could have been made for Indiana Jones wannabes. There’s also the…
Being the cause of bad PR is a fireable offense at most places. Yelling about “LIBRULS” to prospective donors and students doesn’t look good.
+1 Bering Strait
Ashley Wagner should stay ready as an alternate.... from the screenshot above, I think they might all drown.
I wouldn’t say it’s (entirely) a waste of time. There hasn’t been anything like Twitter as a part of the historical record: the minute-by-minute immediate reactions of people to current events, unfiltered through memoirs and memories. It’s a boon for future historians trying to make sense of (part of) the world, e.g.,…
He’s pulling a Borden Grote.
For those of you who are not security clearance nerds, all a “Q” clearance is is a high-level clearance with the Department of Energy and *only* DOE—it’s not an all-access pass to the secrets of the entire Federal Government. There are something like 20 different organizations that clear personnel, and there isn’t…
Not for nothing, but these kook fringe beliefs have a way of showing up in the highest levels of power these days. It’s probably better for people to understand where they’re coming from before it shows up on Fox & Friends or gets amplified by one of Trump’s friends like Alex Jones.
I for one can’t wait to see Christopher Plummer in Deadpool 2.
A bad decision was made by the leader of the J. Peterman company in 1996? We all know who was to blame:
FWIW, one of the few things the Browns have done right is hiring minorities at all levels.
Genuinely speaking...what is the Republicans’ soul exactly? They’re supporting a child molester so they can pass a tax plan getting called irresponsible in the pages of Forbes.