
Please, this is far too relevant. I’m sure he’s somewhere churning out 1000 words matching each Goonies character to a condiment (FWIW Stef is poppyseed dressing).

I believe the answer is “seven.”

These kids aren’t players yet. How are they covered by the CBA?

Dumbo Heights

On a list of Most Depressing Occupations, “discount Ann Coulter” has to be near the top.


This man does not deserve this many words.

I’m doubting. I’m doubting very, very hard.

I thought the same thing, but the levels Halep/Kerber reached in their third set, with what was on the line, I think trump that Davis match. Insane tension. Will be tough to beat as match of the year.

Between Sandgren, John Isner, and Ryan Harrison, we have a real slew of shithead American players.

Looking forward to future updates:

Just wanted to note that I love the phrase “ass end of the map.”

That salute....wonderful.

Your work is tired.

It’s almost as if this act has grown tiresome and uninteresting.

I think it’s more that he just really hates black people.

Brees had a similar procedure done. We’ve seen how that turned out.

More like Doogie Howser, LD

They shoot horses, don’t they?

You mean the BBC’s Andy Murray article. He didn’t write it.