There is a 0.0% chance Rafa affected Roger’s choice to play or not play the French.
There is a 0.0% chance Rafa affected Roger’s choice to play or not play the French.
I think this is the first time that I can recall where a star or athlete has been busted with drugs, tweets something along the lines of “the truth will come out,” then actually gets exonerated.
Fuck Tom Brady. the baseball meme that gets results.
Seriously. Thoroughly unremarkable. Really quite professional given their recent history.
There have probably been 25 more awkward handshakes than that this year alone.
Looking forward to future explainers like “How to Boil Pasta” and “How to Watch Television.”
Pretty sure Deadspin writers are the only people on the planet who use the term “jamoke” and I swear to god it’s never, ever going to catch on.
Stuttgart is a “Premier” tournament more akin to a 500 level ATP event. Nitpicky, yes, but it’s already fielding 8 of the current top 10 players. Telling, with that level of “star power”, that they’d still give Maria the WC.
This one was appalling enough that I knew I didn’t need to read the rest (though I probably could have stopped at “formerly of the Wall Street Journal”).
I don’t understand baseball, so can someone explain to me—did this guy seriously get ejected because the umpire thought he Looked At Him Funny?
Oh hey Gretchen, I see we’re still trying to make “jamoke” happen.
Please don’t ever write words again
Ivan Ljubicic deserves a ton of credit here too. Probably the finest pure one-handed backhand on tour before Wawrinka came on. Roger is flattening it out and abbreviating his follow-through more than ever and some of these flat shots are reminiscent of Ivan’s pancake-flat stroke.
I love, love, LOVE love football. This looks like an excruciatingly awful experience.
Mitch Albom—holy shit! Mitch Albom is still alive?
Getting an in-depth look at the bowels of the stadium.
When I saw the first twenty-three seconds of the “Thrift Shop” video for the first time I felt like he gave me scabies through the screen.
[is dead]