
No, it’s to cover up for the fact that Kanye’s oldest friends for years have been begging him to get help, have known he was sick and the Kardashians ignored them because it was “Kanye being Kanye” and to protect the brand.

I had a cousin who was schizophrenic and it wasn’t an onslaught per se it was a series of violent episodes that led his diagnosis.

I would leave my partner for supporting Trump and I wouldn’t have to think hard about it.

Seeing her spouse go through a breakdown while dealing with the aftermath of her robbery and having two young children at home must be very rough. We’re complaining about 2016 but she must be just as eager to see this crappy year come to an end.

Obama has class.

At least the memes will be positive...

He was terrible on human rights, but not more terrible than Bautista and it probably took someone like Castro to over throw him. (Dear American Fuckwits— this is what choosing the lesser of two evils looks like.)

True. He was like, “Huh. Looks like they’re doing to destroy themselves. My job here is done.”

**Incoming and inappropriate President-elect Trump Tweetstorm in 5, 4, 3...**

While I have friends who did their med school in Cuba, acknowledge the role he played in supporting Mandela (to a large degree because he wanted to tweak the nose of the US any way he could) and agree that US policy in Latin America has often been a disaster, I have little sympathy for someone who executed 5000

Even he didn’t want to deal with Trump presidency.

Slightly amused at all these “who”? comments cause Black Twitter was going nuts over this proposal last night, and the 25 carat ring he presented her with.

I can see it. They are already well versed in special ‘lifter’ shoes for little guys. My favorite thing Nicole Kidman has ever done was when she said on David Letterman, “I can wear heels now.”

Ever since I watched Going Clear, and read the book, I have decided, and encourage my friends, to never pay money for anything that he’s in. I never want him to receive a single penny of my money again. If he’s unaware of the awful conditions of Scientology’s Sea Org, he’s a goddamn liar.

“Bush doesn’t care about black people.” -Kanye West, 2005.

In high school my favourite teacher ever once said:

Trump can appoint at least 1 SCOTUS Justice, and quite likely more. Bye Roe v. Wade.

BREAKING NEWS: Colonel Sanders appointed White House Chef.