
Most of what you say is true, but then when you state separatism is the only way, and we need to leave all Europeans, you sound like a neo-nazi. Most of us in the U.S. have some European in us now, whether from colonialism in Africa or Slavery in the U.S., or even people falling in love despite it not being safe to do

Are you really cool with throwing the baby out with the bathwater? With completely abandoning European cultural influence? Music theory? Art history? The works of Shakespeare? Mozart? At a time in which suspicion of "otherness" is so very visible - and also at a time in which multi/intercultural interactions are

That's a false equivalency but you're clearly not going to be swayed, so have a good rest of your day.

You know that Galliano was blasted drunk during that outburst and he's sober now. I'm not sure if it matters, but as a person in recovery that's an important context. I said and did really stupid things when I was fucked up that I hope people will forgive me for now.

He has publicly apologized and done his penance for a piss-drunk rant. There’s no thought police, people are free to hate whoever they hate, as long as it’s harmless; there’s no evidence of him discriminating against Jews. He’s no Karl Lagerfeld, he doesn’t do public pronouncements. As a Jew, I don’t mind that he goes

Isn’t that make-up what you use to avoid facial recognition software detection?

It is shocking to me how much bad behavior is excused at the top level of nearly all industries. Bryan Singer is an actual baby groping, pedophile, sex criminal and he still gets work and people in the industry defend him. I can’t imagine fashion is filled with much better people.

Sanders doesn’t have to if he doesn’t want to. He’s more than welcome to go back to being an independent. But, if he wants to keep the support from the Democrats, than he needs to throw his support behind them and their presidential nominee.

She hasn’t been bending over to appease him, as far as I can tell. I think she’s played it perfectly - not trashing him at all but pivoting cleanly to focus on Trump. She’s behaving as the presumptive nominee and when he finally does endorse her I’m sure she’ll talk about what an amazing contribution his campaign was

No, because she wholeheartedly supported Barrack Obama’s nomination and immediately campaigned for him. She did not drag her feet nor did she try to claim a moral, political revolution and attempt to bring a contested convention. She saw the big picture and supported the democratic nominee as one should when beaten in

I’m very tired of the expectation that the winning candidate is expected to jump through hoops to appease the loser.

  • Days it took for Hillary Clinton to endorse Barack Obama after he became the party’s presumptive nominee: 4

Am I the only one who just doesn’t care at this point? I really wish Clinton would say, “Yeah, no. You lost, your platform lost, if you want to be with the winning team then sure endorse me, but I’m not bending over for you.”

This is not a smart way to achieve his ostensible goal of pushing the (arguably meaningless) platform to the left. Had he dropped out and endorsed Hillary when everyone agreed he should have, then consistently attacked Trump while pushing a leftist agenda, he could have actually been a force for good. Delivered a


Turned himself into a laughingstock instead of actually leveraging good will with a graceful exit. What a putz.

Sanders denied that his fellow Democrats are frustrated with his resistance and accusing him of “self-obsession” in his continued attempts to win the presidential nomination.

Nah, they’ll probably just imply that the Clintons threatened his family and coerced him into endorsing. *side-eye at, e.g., my mom*

He overplayed his hand so, so badly. He’ll get much less than he would’ve in terms of concessions than if he’d brokered a deal for an endorsement a few weeks ago.