I’m not even sure what “up” and “down” are in this scenario.
I’m not even sure what “up” and “down” are in this scenario.
“To me, it was embarrassing to watch that these are our two candidates,” Kaepernick said Tuesday. “Both are proven liars and it almost seems like they’re trying to debate who’s less racist. And at this point, talking with one of my friends, it was, you have to pick the lesser of two evils, but in the end, it’s…
I don’t know who’s running in 2020 but I’m already freaking out.
I’m so tired of this lie. 1/3rd of the congressional black caucus and Senator Bernie Sanders were opposed to the “tough on crime” provision of the Crime Bill. That it hurt black communities was not a complete revelation 20 years later. Savy people who resisted the powerful political influence of the Clinton’s knew…
Hillary Clinton is the only one to blame if Hillary Clinton loses. She’s a terrible candidate that’s pissed away huge leads in two consecutive elections.
Step 1: watch the NFL. There’s a game on tonight. Could be a fun one.
To be fair, Hillary Clinton is about as unlikable of a candidate as there’s ever been. Other than Trump of course.
“our girl” Loooool. ahah, oh god, Americans and their cultural blindness. Always so fun.
But you can’t say anything bad about Hillary! The feelings of fragile white women are worth more than the lives of black people, didn’t you know?
I dunno, the “maybe don’t take our children into a war zone where even UN convoys are bombed” is not that bad a tack . . .
I’d have a hard time taking my kids to an actively war ravaged place like Syria. I see his point. As an adult she can go where she wants - her person, her decision, but he does have equal say in where the kids go, no?
The video is well-intentioned, but the metaphor of jumping hurdles, not to mention the doubling down on athletic prowess, seems especially ableist in this context.
she’s done some important things for our country
Bingo. You could also mandate that your employees MUST have straight hair that runs beneath the chin.
I like that judge. Seems to be walking that line fairly well where neither party is given too much leeway. It is a trial about rape so no matter who is right and wrong it is awful, but this seems to be a little less awful than most of them.
See, the problem is that you think Clinton is left and progressive when she is decidedly not.
Likely no one will suffer under the Trump Presidency. The Wall won’t make it through congress, neither will a deportation-heavy immigration plan, and what constitutional rights has he otherwise promised to kill?
I recall that there were plenty of people who said maybe we should pump the brakes on this story since parts of it aren’t adding up. Granted, those people were tarred and feathered on Jezebel and Gawker, but they certainly existed. One particular person was roundly ridiculed for daring to question the story and…
Can’t help but feel the response to this “joke” would be less positive had the genders been reversed.
OK, but how much would Jez be freaking out if the roles and genders had been reversed?