
So, the lesson is, if someone, somewhere, has it worse, you are never, ever allowed to complain?

I think she’s a terrible, dishonest, self-serving politician who’d eat her child if it furthered her own career.

In short, she’s Donald Trump sans the real estate holdings.

so by pointing out the truths about her record, you’re actually damaging her? wow. that’s so unfair.

Lol at people who can’t handle the democratic process.

I feel like everyone’s trippin/forgot 08. I mean the same thing happened and when everyone was like Hillary what you doing girl? She was like Barack could get assassinated MLK style. And everyone was like ??????. So what I am saying is its going to be fine.

Syria should have a killer swim team this year

Since this is the The Slot, the obvious conclusion we are supposed to draw is that Hillary is A WONDERFUL PERFECT QUEEN GODDESS AND IF YOU DARE DISAGREE THEN YOU HATE ALL OF THE WOMEN WHO HAVE EVER BEEN OR EVER WILL BE! /s

A) Temporary restraining orders are very easy to obtain, and have nothing to do with a judge deciding Amber’s life is in danger.

In reality? Completely plausible.

I’ll probably get shit for pulling this out of the gray BUT:

I have a truly honest, non-trolling question.

I’m not sure the best way to fight the patriarchy is to casually devalue the fact that it adversely affects men as well.

You should look at ESPN now and again. There was a good story the other day about how the Cardinals starters still give interviews after games even when they've been knocked around. Key info on Losing The Right Way I'm sure you'll agree.

Don’t. Please.

Get used to it for the next six months.

There are only three spots in the park that this apply to and it’s just for large groups over 25 people. 90% of the park is still free to be used by anyone at anytime.

Honestly, it’s because this has been one of (if not arguably the single best) marketing campaign video games has seen. It was perfectly announced (and playable the day of announcement), and then followed up with very strategically timed betas and animated shorts. People got emotionally connected to the characters

So she’s famous for having short hair and large breasts right?

Drafty dodger, that one.