This is the same little shit that lied about being banned on facebook for criticizing Obama.
This is the same little shit that lied about being banned on facebook for criticizing Obama.
Right? My mom is a freelance agent who’s homebase is exactly this. The boss is a giant asshole man, everyone else are older ladies.
My mom was a travel agent even when she worked 60 hours a week at a computer processing plant because it is fun for her. She LOVES planning trips and helping people book fun stuff and she is so good at it. The thing is, she makes practically nothing per trip booked, and you don’t get paid until the trip happens, and…
I just can’t believe how badly she fucked up the neck of the sweater after spending so much time and detail in the instagram picture part. I also hate the placement of the image BUT if she can’t measure the person this was intended for, then that part would be challenging.
In case anyone was curious- that lettering is by Baron Von Fancy.
I am digging those colors so hard right now.
In the middle? THERE IS NO MIDDLE? Are you talking about middle and to the right, or middle and to the left?
Only $130,000? Try $900,000 Idaho’s governor racked up in fees that are now being paid for with tax money. Yaaaaay.