
ROFL that was an amazing story. I'm now imagining a dog complaining about being bloated.

I depends on how you use it. Most woman put a ring in for three weeks then take it out for a week. In that week they will get their period. This is how it is prescribed. You get 12 rings a year and that is the way to go without running out of rings.

I'm not upset it was more of an eye roll. As far as pubic hair it's not a guy wanting a girl to have it. There is nothing wrong with that at all. It's a preference and I do say that. It's the comparing it to a 9 year old. Yes younger girls do look like that, but they don't look like woman and when you have someone in

I thought about an IUD, but I'm too much of a scardy cat to do it after all the stories I've heard. Nuvaring is suppose to be less hormone wise, but I have heard stories of people getting pregnant. I've always taken comfort in the no period as I figure that means I can't get pregnant, but I know that isn't true. We

The Nuvaring has been my savior. I get bad migraines with my period. I tried taking the BC pill continuously but always had break through bleeding. Also I was awful with remember to take my pill also lot of nausea. The NuvaRing I love because I just put it in and forget about it for three weeks. Then I put a new one

Oh okay I took your comment wrong. I apologize! It's early still and I haven't moved around enough for my brain to be fully functional! That's my excuse.

I get what your saying. I couldn't remember exactly what he said. He did say Look like a woman you're right. Maybe I'm just being sensitive from ALL the times I see curves = woman and him saying look like a woman while telling her to show her curves.

Yeah I hear guys say that and I'm like seriously? If pubic hair is the only way you can tell the person you are about to have sex with isn't 9 you've got issues. I understand it may be a preference and there is nothing wrong with that at all, but that comment is so stupid.

He also kept telling me if be really hot once I had surgery. Like I was for a fact going to subject myself to that. I left got to my car and just started crying. I stopped seeing him!

Yes of course they do , but there has always been comments on skinnier woman that that guys wouldn't want her because she has no curves they want a "real woman". I see those comments a lot and see how it can be hurtful for some woman who are thinner. Hell the whole "real woman have curves". There are woman who are

I know that's true. I focus on the few guys who have made comments but most of the time the guys either say nothing, or notice my hiding and tell me not to they like me how I am. I had a guy once have a similar conversation as Danny does with Mindy. Also most guys will say that stuff doesn't matter, but it's

I think that would have worked for me if I'd have stayed married. Now it makes things worse as instead of just being overweight I have stretch marks and loose detached skin. Some guys honestly have no idea a body can look that way and are visibly shocked or say fun stuff like "wow! Your stomach looks like Harry Potter

I couldn't even get too upset at the couple things Danny said that are things I hate hearing (being shaved is being like a 9 year old, show your curves like a real woman as obviously not all woman have curves). I just loved this episode and I love Danny, I love Mindy and that exchange between the two made me smile

Yeah It would really depend on the person. What I would hope would come out of it would be not so much knowing what it's like to be overweight as what over people go through and maybe change some of their views / things the say/ how they act. The overweight one is the only one I feel comfortable with as I've said I've

I generally agree with this. Especially when it comes to poor people. Playing poor for a day or two isn't going to help you to understand being homeless. I do think you are right we need to talk to people and listen to their stories. I also think stuff like this doesn't need to be done for TV.

I'm not saying the actors are bad I just think some of the auditions are probably pretty funny as others have confirmed.

Amazing. I knew it had to be something like that.

Yeah I don't know about this show. I know they have actors for some of the shows though like I didn't know I was pregnant.

Helllll yeah Mama's Family. The best!

he had to pretend to be hit by a flying tire.